Curses PYthon Variable and Kernel Explorer
cpyvke is a variable explorer and a kernel manager written in Python 3 ncurses for iPython kernels (Python 2.x or 3.x). cpyvke supports inspection of numpy ndarray among others types, and provides a set of tools to visualize and plot data.
Be aware that cpyvke is still in development : A lot of bugs are definitely there !
Note that this version only works with Python 3.x. The Python 2.7 version is no longer maintened !
Variable explorer and kernel manager.
- Explore variables in IPython kernels
- Manage IPython kernels
Communication with ipython kernels.
- Stream variable list each time a change occurs in the kernel
- Listen to request from the client
- 256 colors terminal is preferred, but cpyvke also works with 8 colors terminals.
- python3-tk : install it with your package manager
- Tested with python 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7
- Ipython >= 5.1 (tested with 5.1.0 -- 7.2.0 -- 7.8.0)
- ipykernel (tested with 4.6.1 -- 5.0.1 -- 5.1.3)
- jupyter_client >= 4.4 (tested with 4.4.0 -- 5.2.4 -- 5.3.4)
- psutil (tested with 3.4.2)
- numpy (tested with 1.13.0)
- matplotlib (tested with 1.5.1)
git clone
python3 install
pip install cpyvke
To start working, just launch cpyvke
in a console. It will create a new kernel, start the daemon and launch the client :
You can also launch cpyvke-launch-ipython
to open the current kernel :
You can now work in this Ipython console and cpyvke will display all changes in the associated kernel :
In [1] : run
You can also use :
vim-cpyvke provides tools to evaluate blocks of code or full scripts directly from vim. The duo cpyvke/vim-cpyvke paired with a vim plugin such as python-mode ( can provide a complete development environment for Python in console.
Usage: kd5 {start|stop|restart|list} [INTEGER]
- start : start daemon. If no [INTEGER] is provided, a new ipython kernel is created. [INTEGER] is the id of the connection file.
- stop : stop daemon
- restart : restart daemon
- list : list available ipython kernels
Usage: cpyvke [-h] [-L] [-D] [integer]
positional arguments:
- [integer] : Start up with existing kernel. INTEGER is the id of the connection file.
optional arguments:
- [-h], [--help] : show this help message and exit
- [-D], [--debug] : Debug mode
- [-L], [--list] : List all kernels
- h : help
- ENTER : Validate/Item menu
- q|ESC : Previous menu/quit'
- s : sort by name/type
- l : limit display to all variable matching the given keyword
- u : undo limit
- k : kernel manager
- / : Search for variable
- q : previous menu -- quit
- r : Refresh explorer
- c-r : Restart Daemon
- R : Restart connection to daemon
- D : Disconnect from daemon
- C : Connect to daemon
- ↓ : Next line
- ↑ : Previous line
- →|↡ Next page
- ←|↟ Previous page
- You can directly launch
. It will create a new kernel, start the daemon and launch the client - cpyvke-launch-ipython automatically launch the current ipython console
- You can also manually open an existing ipython instance like this :
ipython console --existing kernel-xxxxx.json
where xxxxx is the id of the kernel
If you just want to test cpyvke without installing. In cpyvke/ directory :
- launch kd5 first :
python3 -m cpyvke.kd5 start
- then launch cpyvke :
python3 -m cpyvke.cpyvke
- and launch ipython in another console :
python3 -m cpyvke.launch
A configuration file cpyvke.conf is created in $HOME/.cpyvke/
at first startup. Appearance of the client can be customize (colors, font).
The available colors are...
- black
- red
- green
- yellow
- blue
- magenta
- cyan
- white
cpyvke can also display powerline fonts. You can find them here :
Add the following section in $HOME/.cpyvke/cpyvke.conf
powerline-font = True
The cpyvke/kd5 duo handles python 2.x or 3.x kernel equally. To setup the Python kernel you'll want to use :
[kernel version]
version = 3
The version
can be 2 or 3 for python 2.x kernel or 3.x kernel, respectively.
cpyvke is still in developpement and may present unexpected behavior !