This PowerShell module will help you to easily instal PowerShell modules directly from Azure DevOps (aka VSTS) or GitHub or any other git repository.
All you need to know is a URL of the git repository and the module will take care of everything else.
The module is compatible both with Linux and Windows versions of PowerShell (Windows PowerShell 5 or PowerShell Core 6).
❗ Git client must be installed and available on path.
If you don't have it, you can get it for example from
You can check if you have it by running Get-Command git
in your PowerShell.
This is recommended way how to install module.
Install-Module InstallModuleFromGit -Scope CurrentUser
git clone
Import-Module ./InstallModuleFromGit/InstallModuleFromGit.psd1
If you have this module already installed, you can install latest / not-yet-published version from this GitHUb repository using the module itself! As all commits are verified before and after they are merged to master branch, this should be pretty safe operation also.
# Check for module existence and its version
PS:\> Get-GitModule '' -Verbose
# Download and import module in one line
PS:\> (Install-GitModule '').Name | Import-Module
The module Install Module From Git exposes two new commandlets. More info on module here.
Checks for module existence and returns its version. More info here.
Installs PowerShell module to user's default install folder. More info here.
Updates previously installed PowerShell module if Git repository contains newer version. More info here.
Module provides updatable help system, though it is working currently only on Windows PowerShell. Tracking issue is here.
Update-Help -Module InstallModuleFromGit -Force
😏 Module has testing against two platforms - Linux and Windows. Code is verified before and after merging to master branch. Tests results are available on the Tests tab (example here).
Click on images to see details about the latest build runs.
- 📣 dfinke/InstallModuleFromGitHub, (pluses) does not require git client, (minuses) works only with GitHub
You can chat about this commandlet via Skype (no Skype ID required), by clicking a link below.
If you find any problems, feel free to open a new issue.
If you want to contribute, please fork the code and make a new PR after!