Bike Sales is a platform on which you can buy and sell secondHand Bike.Right now we have three categories Bike.At Bike Sales, we make it so easy to connect people to buy, sell. - Fast & Easy Experience: Navigated buying and selling experience in Bangladesh which is simpler, faster, and easier. Shop and sell on the go and get your desired products in just a few clicks.
In this project i have made a site that shows us Home page,Blog, Login page and Dashboard.This is fullstack MERN project.There have 2 types users sellers and Buyers and there have admin option.From Dashboard User will see their specific different options according to their role.Users can create account as a seller or buyer.Seller can post product and advertise product for sell.Buyer can buy product can report product.Admin can delete sellers also buyers also can delete reported products.In this project i have implemented stripe payment method.After booking product buyers can pay products from my orders page that will available on dashboard only for byers.Full site responsive for desktop and mobile device. I have also implemented latest technologies.
##Technologies Used for Building the site
Full Project is Based on ReactJS. We have used many components to Build the site.
I have used react router dom
I have Used Tailwind Css and DaisyUi component library to design my site .
I have used Tanstack-query and axios for api call
I have used react hook form for getting form data
I have Used Vercel to Host Server Site .
I have used express for writing server side code
Full Project is Based on Firebase.I have used Google and Email-Password Authentication.
I have used react hot toast for show error and successful toast messages
I have used Mongodb database
I have used Json webToken npm for secure My review page also email password based based login system
HTML & CSS is a core part for building a site. I have also used HTML & CSS.
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