Unified UI and API for processing and training images for facial recognition.
There's a lot of great open source software to perform facial recognition, but each of them behave differently. Double Take was created to abstract the complexities of the detection services and combine them into an easy to use UI and API.
- Responsive UI and API bundled into single Docker image
- Ability to password protect UI and API
- Support for multiple detectors
- Train and untrain images for subjects
- Process images from NVRs
- Publish results to MQTT topics
- REST API can be invoked by other applications
- Disable detection based on a schedule
- Home Assistant Add-ons
- Preprocess images with OpenCV
- amd64
- arm64
- arm/v7
Subscribe to Frigate's MQTT topics and process images for analysis.
host: localhost
url: http://localhost:5000
When the frigate/events
topic is updated the API begins to process the snapshot.jpg
and latest.jpg
images from Frigate's API. These images are passed from the API to the configured detector(s) until a match is found that meets the configured requirements. To improve the chances of finding a match, the processing of the images will repeat until the amount of retries is exhausted or a match is found.
When the frigate/+/person/snapshot
topic is updated the API will process that image with the configured detector(s). It is recommended to increase the MQTT snapshot size in the Frigate camera config.
timestamp: False
bounding_box: False
crop: True
quality: 100
height: 500
If a match is found the image is saved to /.storage/matches/<filename>
Trigger automations / notifications when images are processed.
If the MQTT integration is configured within Home Assistant, then sensors will automatically be created.
This notification will work for both matches and unknown results. The message can be customized with any of the attributes from the entity.
alias: Notify
- platform: state
entity_id: sensor.double_take_david
- platform: state
entity_id: sensor.double_take_unknown
- condition: template
value_template: '{{ trigger.to_state.state != trigger.from_state.state }}'
- service: notify.mobile_app
message: |-
{% if trigger.to_state.attributes.match is defined %}
{{trigger.to_state.attributes.friendly_name}} is near the {{trigger.to_state.state}} @ {{trigger.to_state.attributes.match.confidence}}% by {{trigger.to_state.attributes.match.detector}}:{{trigger.to_state.attributes.match.type}} taking {{trigger.to_state.attributes.attempts}} attempt(s) @ {{trigger.to_state.attributes.duration}} sec
{% elif trigger.to_state.attributes.unknown is defined %}
unknown is near the {{trigger.to_state.state}} @ {{trigger.to_state.attributes.unknown.confidence}}% by {{trigger.to_state.attributes.unknown.detector}}:{{trigger.to_state.attributes.unknown.type}} taking {{trigger.to_state.attributes.attempts}} attempt(s) @ {{trigger.to_state.attributes.duration}} sec
{% endif %}
url: |-
{% if trigger.to_state.attributes.match is defined %}
{% elif trigger.to_state.attributes.unknown is defined %}
{% endif %}
- action: URI
title: View Image
uri: |-
{% if trigger.to_state.attributes.match is defined %}
{% elif trigger.to_state.attributes.unknown is defined %}
{% endif %}
mode: parallel
max: 10
Publish results to double-take/matches/<name>
and double-take/cameras/<camera>
. The number of results will also be published to double-take/cameras/<camera>/person
and will reset back to 0
after 30 seconds.
Errors from the API will be published to double-take/errors
host: localhost
"id": "1623906078.684285-5l9hw6",
"duration": 1.26,
"timestamp": "2021-06-17T05:01:36.030Z",
"attempts": 3,
"camera": "living-room",
"zones": [],
"match": {
"name": "david",
"confidence": 66.07,
"match": true,
"box": { "top": 308, "left": 1018, "width": 164, "height": 177 },
"type": "latest",
"duration": 0.28,
"detector": "compreface",
"filename": "2f07d1ad-9252-43fd-9233-2786a36a15a9.jpg",
"base64": null
"id": "ff894ff3-2215-4cea-befa-43fe00898b65",
"duration": 4.25,
"timestamp": "2021-06-17T03:19:55.695Z",
"attempts": 5,
"camera": "back-door",
"zones": [],
"matches": [
"name": "david",
"confidence": 100,
"match": true,
"box": { "top": 286, "left": 744, "width": 319, "height": 397 },
"type": "manual",
"duration": 0.8,
"detector": "compreface",
"filename": "dcb772de-d8e8-4074-9bce-15dbba5955c5.jpg",
"base64": null
"misses": [],
"unknowns": [],
"counts": { "person": 1, "match": 1, "miss": 0, "unknown": 0 }
url: http://localhost:8080
Match images are saved to /.storage/matches
and can be accessed via http://localhost:3000/api/storage/matches/<filename>
Training images are saved to /.storage/train
and can be accessed via http://localhost:3000/api/storage/train/<name>/<filename>
Latest images are saved to /.storage/latest
and can be accessed via http://localhost:3000/api/storage/latest/<name|camera>.jpg
Query Parameters | Description | Default |
box |
Show bounding box around faces | false |
token |
Access token |
The UI is accessible via http://localhost:3000
- Matches:
- Train:
- Config:
- Access Tokens:
(if authentication is enabled)
Enable authentication to password protect the UI. This is recommended if running Double Take behind a reverse proxy which is exposed to the internet.
auth: true
Documentation can be viewed on Postman.
version: '3.7'
container_name: double-take
image: jakowenko/double-take
restart: unless-stopped
- double-take:/.storage
- 3000:3000
Configurable options are saved to /.storage/config/config.yml
and are editable via the UI at http://localhost:3000/config
. Default values do not need to be specified in configuration unless they need to be overwritten.
# enable authentication for ui and api (default: shown below)
auth: false
# if authentication is enabled
# age of access token in api response and mqtt topics (default: shown below)
# expressed in seconds or a string describing a time span zeit/ms
# https://github.com/vercel/ms
image: 24h
# enable mqtt subscribing and publishing (default: shown below)
# cert chains in PEM format: /path/to/client.crt
# private keys in PEM format: /path/to/client.key
# optionally override the trusted CA certificates: /path/to/ca.crt
# if true the server will reject any connection which is not authorized with the list of supplied CAs
reject_unauthorized: false
# mqtt topic for frigate message subscription
frigate: frigate/events
# mqtt topic for home assistant discovery subscription
homeassistant: homeassistant
# mqtt topic where matches are published by name
matches: double-take/matches
# mqtt topic where matches are published by camera name
cameras: double-take/cameras
# global detect settings (default: shown below)
# save match images
save: true
# include base64 encoded string in api results and mqtt messages
# options: true, false, box
base64: false
# minimum confidence needed to consider a result a match
confidence: 60
# hours to keep match images until they are deleted
purge: 168
# minimum area in pixels to consider a result a match
min_area: 10000
# save unknown images
save: true
# include base64 encoded string in api results and mqtt messages
# options: true, false, box
base64: false
# minimum confidence needed before classifying a name as unknown
confidence: 40
# hours to keep unknown images until they are deleted
purge: 8
# minimum area in pixels to keep an unknown result
min_area: 0
# frigate settings (default: shown below)
# if double take should send matches back to frigate as a sub label
# NOTE: requires frigate 0.11.0+
update_sub_labels: false
# stop the processing loop if a match is found
# if set to false all image attempts will be processed before determining the best match
stop_on_match: true
# ignore detected areas so small that face recognition would be difficult
# quadrupling the min_area of the detector is a good start
# does not apply to MQTT events
min_area: 0
# object labels that are allowed for facial recognition
- person
# number of times double take will request a frigate latest.jpg for facial recognition
latest: 10
# number of times double take will request a frigate snapshot.jpg for facial recognition
snapshot: 10
# process frigate images from frigate/+/person/snapshot topics
mqtt: true
# add a delay expressed in seconds between each detection loop
delay: 0
# height of frigate image passed for facial recognition
height: 500
# only process images from specific cameras
# - front-door
# - garage
# only process images from specific zones
# - camera: garage
# zone: driveway
# override frigate attempts and image per camera
# front-door:
# attempts:
# # number of times double take will request a frigate latest.jpg for facial recognition
# latest: 5
# # number of times double take will request a frigate snapshot.jpg for facial recognition
# snapshot: 5
# # process frigate images from frigate/<camera-name>/person/snapshot topic
# mqtt: false
# # add a delay expressed in seconds between each detection loop
# delay: 1
# image:
# # height of frigate image passed for facial recognition (only if using default latest.jpg and snapshot.jpg)
# height: 1000
# # custom image that will be used in place of latest.jpg
# latest: http://camera-url.com/image.jpg
# # custom image that will be used in place of snapshot.jpg
# snapshot: http://camera-url.com/image.jpg
# camera settings (default: shown below)
# apply masks before processing image
# masks:
# # list of x,y coordinates to define the polygon of the zone
# coordinates:
# - 1920,0,1920,328,1638,305,1646,0
# # show the mask on the final saved image (helpful for debugging)
# visible: false
# # size of camera stream used in resizing masks
# size: 1920x1080
# override global detect variables per camera
# detect:
# match:
# # save match images
# save: true
# # include base64 encoded string in api results and mqtt messages
# # options: true, false, box
# base64: false
# # minimum confidence needed to consider a result a match
# confidence: 60
# # minimum area in pixels to consider a result a match
# min_area: 10000
# unknown:
# # save unknown images
# save: true
# # include base64 encoded string in api results and mqtt messages
# # options: true, false, box
# base64: false
# # minimum confidence needed before classifying a match name as unknown
# confidence: 40
# # minimum area in pixels to keep an unknown result
# min_area: 0
# snapshot:
# # process any jpeg encoded mqtt topic for facial recognition
# topic:
# # process any http image for facial recognition
# url:
# detector settings (default: shown below)
# recognition api key
# number of seconds before the request times out and is aborted
timeout: 15
# minimum required confidence that a recognized face is actually a face
# value is between 0.0 and 1.0
det_prob_threshold: 0.8
# require opencv to find a face before processing with detector
opencv_face_required: false
# comma-separated slugs of face plugins
# https://github.com/exadel-inc/CompreFace/blob/master/docs/Face-services-and-plugins.md)
# face_plugins: mask,gender,age
# only process images from specific cameras, if omitted then all cameras will be processed
# cameras:
# - front-door
# - garage
aws_access_key_id: !secret aws_access_key_id
aws_secret_access_key: !secret aws_secret_access_key
collection_id: double-take
# require opencv to find a face before processing with detector
opencv_face_required: true
# only process images from specific cameras, if omitted then all cameras will be processed
# cameras:
# - front-door
# - garage
# number of seconds before the request times out and is aborted
timeout: 15
# require opencv to find a face before processing with detector
opencv_face_required: false
# only process images from specific cameras, if omitted then all cameras will be processed
# cameras:
# - front-door
# - garage
# number of seconds before the request times out and is aborted
timeout: 15
# require opencv to find a face before processing with detector
opencv_face_required: false
# only process images from specific cameras, if omitted then all cameras will be processed
# cameras:
# - front-door
# - garage
# opencv settings (default: shown below)
# docs: https://docs.opencv.org/4.6.0/d1/de5/classcv_1_1CascadeClassifier.html
scale_factor: 1.05
min_neighbors: 4.5
min_size_width: 30
min_size_height: 30
# schedule settings (default: shown below)
# disable recognition if conditions are met
# - days:
# - monday
# - tuesday
# times:
# - 20:00-23:59
# cameras:
# - office
# - days:
# - tuesday
# - wednesday
# times:
# - 13:00-15:00
# - 18:00-20:00
# cameras:
# - living-room
# notify settings (default: shown below)
priority: 5
# only notify from specific cameras
# cameras:
# - front-door
# - garage
# only notify from specific zones
# zones:
# - camera: garage
# zone: driveway
# time settings (default: shown below)
# defaults to iso 8601 format with support for token-based formatting
# https://github.com/moment/luxon/blob/master/docs/formatting.md#table-of-tokens
# time zone used in logs
timezone: UTC
# log settings (default: shown below)
# options: silent, error, warn, info, http, verbose, debug, silly
level: info
# ui settings (default: shown below)
# base path of ui
# number of results per page
limit: 50
# value between 0-100
quality: 95
# value in pixels
width: 500
# number of lines displayed
lines: 500
# telemetry settings (default: shown below)
# self hosted version of plausible.io
# 100% anonymous, used to help improve project
# no cookies and fully compliant with GDPR, CCPA and PECR
telemetry: true
Note: If using one of the Home Assistant Add-ons then the default Home Assistant /config/secrets.yaml
file is used.
host: localhost
username: mqtt
password: !secret mqtt_password
url: localhost:8000
key: !secret compreface_key
The secrets.yml
file contains the corresponding value assigned to the identifier.
mqtt_password: <password>
compreface_key: <api-key>
Service | |
UI | localhost:8080 |
API | localhost:3000 |
MQTT | localhost:1883 |
# start development containers
./.develop/docker up
# remove development containers
./.develop/docker down
If you would like to make a donation to support development, please use GitHub Sponsors.