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Markdown Rendering Simplified

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  • Removes the remark / unified complexity and easy to use.
  • Built in caching ๐Ÿ’ฅ making it render very fast when there isnt a change
  • Frontmatter support built in by default. ๐ŸŽ‰
  • Easily Render to React or HTML.
  • Generates a Table of Contents for your markdown files (remark-toc).
  • Slug generation for your markdown files (rehype-slug).
  • Code Highlighting (rehype-highlight).
  • Math Support (rehype-katex).
  • Markdown to HTML (rehype-stringify).
  • Github Flavor Markdown (remark-gfm).
  • Emoji Support (remark-emoji).
  • MDX Support (remark-mdx).
  • Built in Hooks for adding code to render pipeline.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

> npm install writr

Then you can use it like this:

import { Writr } from 'writr';

const writr = new Writr(`# Hello World ::-):\n\n This is a test.`);

const html = await writr.render(); // <h1>Hello World ๐Ÿ™‚</h1><p>This is a test.</p>

Its just that simple. Want to add some options? No problem.

import { Writr } from 'writr';
const writr = new Writr(`# Hello World ::-):\n\n This is a test.`);
const options  = {
	emoji: false
const html = await writr.render(options); // <h1>Hello World ::-):</h1><p>This is a test.</p>

An example passing in the options also via the constructor:

import { Writr, WritrOptions } from 'writr';
const writrOptions = {
  throwErrors: true,
  renderOptions: {
    emoji: true,
    toc: true,
    slug: true,
    highlight: true,
    gfm: true,
    math: true,
    mdx: true,
    caching: true,
const writr = new Writr(`# Hello World ::-):\n\n This is a test.`, writrOptions);
const html = await writr.render(options); // <h1>Hello World ::-):</h1><p>This is a test.</p>

Running via Browser as an ESM Module

You can also run Writr via the browser. Here is an example of how to do that.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <title>Writr Example</title>
  <script type="module">
    import {Writr} from ''

    const writr = new Writr(`# Hello World ::-):\n\n This is a test.`);
    writr.render().then(html => {
      document.body.innerHTML = html;

This will render the markdown to HTML and display it in the body of the page.


new Writr(arg?: string | WritrOptions, options?: WritrOptions)

By default the constructor takes in a markdown string or WritrOptions in the first parameter. You can also send in nothing and set the markdown via .content property. If you want to pass in your markdown and options you can easily do this with new Writr('## Your Markdown Here', { ...options here}). You can access the WritrOptions from the instance of Writr. Here is an example of WritrOptions.

import { Writr, WritrOptions } from 'writr';
const writrOptions = {
  throwErrors: true,
  renderOptions: {
    emoji: true,
    toc: true,
    slug: true,
    highlight: true,
    gfm: true,
    math: true,
    mdx: true,
    caching: true,
const writr = new Writr(writrOptions);


Setting the markdown content for the instance of Writr. This can be set via the constructor or directly on the instance and can even handle frontmatter.

import { Writr } from 'writr';
const writr = new Writr();
writr.content = `---
title: Hello World
# Hello World ::-):\n\n This is a test.`;


gets the body of the markdown content. This is the content without the frontmatter.

import { Writr } from 'writr';
const writr = new Writr();
writr.content = `---
title: Hello World
# Hello World ::-):\n\n This is a test.`;
console.log(writr.body); // '# Hello World ::-):\n\n This is a test.'


Accessing the default options for this instance of Writr. Here is the default settings for WritrOptions.

  throwErrors: false,
  renderOptions: {
    emoji: true,
    toc: false,
    slug: false,
    highlight: false,
    gfm: true,
    math: false,
    mdx: false,
    caching: false,


Accessing the frontmatter for this instance of Writr. This is a Record<string, any> and can be set via the .content property.

import { Writr } from 'writr';
const writr = new Writr();
writr.content = `---
title: Hello World
# Hello World ::-):\n\n This is a test.`;
console.log(writr.frontmatter); // { title: 'Hello World' }

you can also set the front matter directly like this:

import { Writr } from 'writr';
const writr = new Writr();
writr.frontmatter = { title: 'Hello World' };


Accessing the raw frontmatter for this instance of Writr. This is a string and can be set via the .content property.

import { Writr } from 'writr';
const writr = new Writr();
writr.content = `---
title: Hello World
# Hello World ::-):\n\n This is a test.`;
console.log(writr.frontMatterRaw); // '---\ntitle: Hello World\n---'


Accessing the cache for this instance of Writr. By default this is an in memory cache and is disabled (set to false) by default. You can enable this by setting caching: true in the RenderOptions of the WritrOptions or when calling render passing the RenderOptions like here:

import { Writr } from 'writr';
const writr = new Writr(`# Hello World ::-):\n\n This is a test.`);
const options  = {
  caching: true
const html = await writr.render(options); // <h1>Hello World ::-):</h1><p>This is a test.</p>


Accessing the underlying engine for this instance of Writr. This is a Processor<Root, Root, Root, undefined, undefined> fro the unified .use() function. You can use this to add additional plugins to the engine.

.render(options?: RenderOptions): Promise<string>

Rendering markdown to HTML. the options are based on RenderOptions. Which you can access from the Writr instance.

import { Writr } from 'writr';
const writr = new Writr(`# Hello World ::-):\n\n This is a test.`);
const html = await writr.render(); // <h1>Hello World ๐Ÿ™‚</h1><p>This is a test.</p>

//passing in with render options
const options  = {
  emoji: false

const html = await writr.render(options); // <h1>Hello World ::-):</h1><p>This is a test.</p>

.renderSync(options?: RenderOptions): string

Rendering markdown to HTML synchronously. the options are based on RenderOptions. Which you can access from the Writr instance. The parameters are the same as the .render() function.

import { Writr } from 'writr';
const writr = new Writr(`# Hello World ::-):\n\n This is a test.`);
const html = writr.renderSync(); // <h1>Hello World ๐Ÿ™‚</h1><p>This is a test.</p>

'.renderToFile(filePath: string, options?: RenderOptions)'

Rendering markdown to a file. The options are based on RenderOptions.

import { Writr } from 'writr';
const writr = new Writr(`# Hello World ::-):\n\n This is a test.`);
await writr.renderToFile('path/to/file.html');

'.renderToFileSync(filePath: string, options?: RenderOptions): void'

Rendering markdown to a file synchronously. The options are based on RenderOptions.

import { Writr } from 'writr';
const writr = new Writr(`# Hello World ::-):\n\n This is a test.`);

'.renderReact(options?: RenderOptions, reactOptions?: HTMLReactParserOptions): Promise<React.JSX.Element />'

Rendering markdown to React. The options are based on RenderOptions and now HTMLReactParserOptions from html-react-parser.

import { Writr } from 'writr';
const writr = new Writr(`# Hello World ::-):\n\n This is a test.`);
const reactElement = await writr.renderReact(); // Will return a React.JSX.Element

'.renderReactSync( options?: RenderOptions, reactOptions?: HTMLReactParserOptions): React.JSX.Element'

Rendering markdown to React. The options are based on RenderOptions and now HTMLReactParserOptions from html-react-parser.

import { Writr } from 'writr';
const writr = new Writr(`# Hello World ::-):\n\n This is a test.`);
const reactElement = writr.renderReactSync(); // Will return a React.JSX.Element

.loadFromFile(filePath: string): Promise<void>

Load your markdown content from a file path.

import { Writr } from 'writr';
const writr = new Writr();
await writr.loadFromFile('path/to/');

.loadFromFileSync(filePath: string): void

Load your markdown content from a file path synchronously.

.saveToFile(filePath: string): Promise<void>

Save your markdown and frontmatter (if included) content to a file path.

import { Writr } from 'writr';
const writr = new Writr(`# Hello World ::-):\n\n This is a test.`);
await writr.saveToFile('path/to/');

.saveToFileSync(filePath: string): void

Save your markdown and frontmatter (if included) content to a file path synchronously.

Caching On Render

Caching is built into Writr and is an in-memory cache using CacheableMemory from Cacheable. It is turned off by default and can be enabled by setting caching: true in the RenderOptions of the WritrOptions or when calling render passing the RenderOptions like here:

import { Writr } from 'writr';
const writr = new Writr(`# Hello World ::-):\n\n This is a test.`, { renderOptions: { caching: true } });

or via RenderOptions such as:

import { Writr } from 'writr';
const writr = new Writr(`# Hello World ::-):\n\n This is a test.`);
await writr.render({ caching: true});

If you want to set the caching options for the instance of Writr you can do so like this:

// we will set the lruSize of the cache and the default ttl
import {Writr} from 'writr';
const writr = new Writr(`# Hello World ::-):\n\n This is a test.`, { renderOptions: { caching: true } }); = 100; = '5m'; // setting it to 5 minutes


Hooks are a way to add additional parsing to the render pipeline. You can add hooks to the the Writr instance. Here is an example of adding a hook to the instance of Writr:

import { Writr, WritrHooks } from 'writr';
const writr = new Writr(`# Hello World ::-):\n\n This is a test.`);
writr.onHook(WritrHooks.beforeRender, data => {
  data.body = 'Hello, Universe!';
const result = await writr.render();
console.log(result); // Hello, Universe!

For beforeRender the data object is a renderData object. Here is the interface for renderData:

export type renderData = {
  body: string
  options: RenderOptions;

For afterRender the data object is a resultData object. Here is the interface for resultData:

export type resultData = {
  result: string;

For saveToFile the data object is an object with the filePath and content. Here is the interface for saveToFileData:

export type saveToFileData = {
  filePath: string;
  content: string;

This is called when you call saveToFile, saveToFileSync.

For renderToFile the data object is an object with the filePath and content. Here is the interface for renderToFileData:

export type renderToFileData = {
  filePath: string;
  content: string;

This is called when you call renderToFile, renderToFileSync.

For loadFromFile the data object is an object with content so you can change before it is set on writr.content. Here is the interface for loadFromFileData:

export type loadFromFileData = {
  content: string;

This is called when you call loadFromFile, loadFromFileSync.

ESM and Node Version Support

This package is ESM only and tested on the current lts version and its previous. Please don't open issues for questions regarding CommonJS / ESM or previous Nodejs versions. To learn more about using ESM please read this from sindresorhus:

Code of Conduct and Contributing

Code of Conduct and Contributing guidelines.


MIT & ยฉ Jared Wray