This is a markdown editor site, it is for learning nodejs, and I use it to write diaries and resume
see more details:./content/.main
nodejs 8.0+
git clone
npm install
npm run build
node server.js
// open: http://localhost:8080
// you can change it in ./server/manage.js
"ipMaxCotentFiles": 11, // each ip can create the largest number of file in ./content/*.(r|w|wr|rw|null)
"ips": {
"":{ // visited users
fileCount: 0, // the number of files that have been created
maxFileCount: ipMaxCotentFiles, // the maximum number of files that can be created, equal to ipMaxCotentFiles when init
file: [] // record the file which create by
"mainPage": ".main", // the file used to display the home page
"managePagePath": "manage.ok", // http://localhost:8080/manage.ok
"password": "test.ok", // used to change inaccessible or unmodifiable files, use:http://localhost:8080/test/test.ok
"mainPassword": "admin.ok" // you can modifiy home page in http://localhost:8080/admin.ok
// in ./content
// each file ends with (r|w|wr|rw|null),
// r means: canRead
// w means: canWrite
// null means: can't access
if you only want the react markdown component of this project
npm install --save react-easymarkdown
// and use
function save(){
// when user call save command
<MarkDown text={'# hello world!'} onSave={save} />,
markdown syntax analysis:
code syntax analysis: