Source code for personal website of Joel Nitta.
Production deployment is set up using GitHub Actions with ./.github/workflows/publish-cloudflare-pages.yml.
On pushes to the main
branch, this workflow will deploy the site to
Cloudflare Pages.
The workflow file is very simple and basically runs two commands:
Rscript -e 'babelquarto::render_website()'
, which compiles the Quarto blog to a static website within the_site
folder. This folder contains anindex.html
which is the root of the website, as well as various JavaScript and CSS files and images; you can read more onbabelquarto
. Note that_site
is ignored in.gitignore
because it is generated from the source code; the source code is what we track in version control, not the built files. -
wrangler pages deploy _site --project-name=joelnitta-home
, which deploys the_site
folder to Cloudflare Pages. You can read more details onwrangler pages deploy
This workflow requires two secrets to be set up in GitHub:
: see Cloudflare docs on how to create an API tokenCLOUDFLARE_ACCOUNT_ID
: see Cloudflare docs on how to get the account ID
Both secrets must be stored in the settings for the GitHub repository - see GitHub docs on Creating secrets for a repository.
Generate the translated website with
Preview the website with
Use the custom draft_post()
post_qmd <- draft_post(
slug = "example_post",
title = "How to use the draft_post() function",
desc = "Using templates to increase productivity",
categories = c("R", "data")
#> ℹ Creating new directory at 'posts/2024-12-15_example_post'
#> ℹ Writing blog post template at 'posts/2024-12-15_example_post/index.qmd'
#> [1] "---"
#> [2] "title: \"How to use the draft_post() function\""
#> [3] "description:"
#> [4] " Using templates to increase productivity"
#> [5] "date: 2024-12-15"
#> [6] "date-modified: today"
#> [7] "image: featured.png"
#> [8] "citation:"
#> [9] " url: 2024-12-15_example_post"
#> [10] "lang: en"
#> [11] "categories:"
#> [12] " - R"
#> [13] " - data"
#> [14] "---"
#> [15] ""
#> [16] "```{r}"
#> [17] "#| label: setup"
#> [18] "#| include: false"
#> [19] ""
#> [20] "renv::use(lockfile = \"renv.lock\")"
#> [21] "```"
#> [22] ""
#> [23] ""
#> [24] "## Reproducibility {.appendix}"
#> [25] ""
#> [26] "- [Source code]("
#> [27] "- [`renv` lockfile]("
Code: MIT
Text and images, unless otherwise indicated: Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0
Publications (PDF files): Indicated in each publication.