This repository contains all necessary packages for the compilation of DPDK on OpenWrt. CPU architectures x86_64 and aarch64 are supported.
Packages are assembled by information from
- dpdk - Data Plane Development Kit main package; package contains:
- libdpdk - DPDK librarioes
- dpdk-tools - DPDK tools
- kmod-iommu_v2 (this pkg required for 21.02, 22.03) - kernel-modules support of IOMMU for INTEL/AMD processors; package produces iommu_v2.ko
- kmod-vfio (this pkg required for 21.02, 22.03) - kernel-modules support of Virtual Function I/O for PCI interfaces; package produces - vfio.ko, vfio-pci.ko, vfio_iommu_type1.ko, vfio_virqfd.ko
- numactl (required) - Simple NUMA policy support package
OpenWrt 23 and newer has kmod-iommu_v2 and kmod-vfio directly in menuconfig.
- Compilation can be done on OpenWrt 21.02, 22.03 and 23.05.
Make a system from sources. Use branches 21.02, 22.03 or 23.05.
echo "src-git dpdk_repo" >> feeds.conf
./scripts/feeds update dpdk_repo
./scripts/feeds install -a -p dpdk_repo
- Select platform for AARCH64 -
- Select cpu_instruction_set for x86_64 -
- Select network drivers -
make menuconfig
make package/dpdk/compile -j$((`nproc`+1))