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The library provides an outgoing request resiliency pipeline for HttpClient, using policies from the PoliNorError library.


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The library provides an outgoing request resiliency pipeline for HttpClient, using policies from the PoliNorError library.



⚡ Key Features

  • Provides the ability to create a pipeline to handle typical transient HTTP failures (including the HttpRequestException exception).
  • Flexible transient failure filter for the final DelegatingHandler in the pipeline for the response.
  • Additionally, custom failure status codes or categories can be added to the final handler filter.
  • Other exception types (besides HttpRequestException) can also be included in the final handler filter.
  • Inclusion in the outer handler filter of any Exception type thrown by the inner handler is also supported.
  • Both typed and named HttpClient, as well as IHttpClientFactory, can be used.
  • Targets .NET Standard 2.0.

🔑 Key Concepts

  • OuterHandler is the first handler in the pipeline (closest to the request initiator).
  • InnerHandler is the next handler in the pipeline (closer to the final destination).
  • 🔵 FinalHandler is the innermost handler in the pipeline.
  • Transient HTTP errors are temporary failures that occur when making HTTP requests (HTTP 5xx, HTTP 408, HTTP 429 and HttpRequestException).

🚀 Usage

⚙ Configure typed or named HttpClient:

services.AddHttpClient<IAskCatService, AskCatService>((sp, config) =>
		config.BaseAddress = new Uri(settings.BaseUri);

, where AskCatService is a service that implements IAskCatService, with HttpClient or IHttpClientFactory injected.

🧩 Use the library's IHttpClientBuilder.WithResiliencePipeline extension method and configure the pipeline of DelegatingHandlers by using the AddPolicyHandler method with the policy you want to apply in this handler:

services.AddHttpClient<IAskCatService, AskCatService>((spForClient, client) =>
	.WithResiliencePipeline((pb) => 
		.AddPolicyHandler((IServiceProvider sp) => funcThatUsesServiceProviderToCreatePolicy(sp))

Or use the WithResiliencePipeline method overload that includes an additional context parameter:

services.AddHttpClient<IAskCatService, AskCatService>((spForClient, client) =>
	.WithResiliencePipeline<SomeContextType>((pb) => 
		.AddPolicyHandler((SomeContextType ctx, IServiceProvider sp) => 
			funcThatUsesContextAndServiceProviderToCreatePolicy(ctx, sp))

		.AddPolicyHandler((IServiceProvider sp) => funcThatUsesServiceProviderToCreatePolicy(sp))
	, context)

, where

  • pb - represents the pipeline builder.
  • PolicyJustCreated - a policy from the PoliNorError library.
  • funcThatUsesServiceProviderToCreatePolicy - Func that uses the IServiceProvider to create a policy.
  • funcThatUsesContextAndServiceProviderToCreatePolicy - Func that uses the IServiceProvider and context to create a policy.

🔵 When you want to complete the pipeline, call the AsFinalHandler method for the last added handler and configure HttpErrorFilter to filter transient http errors and/or any non-successful status codes or categories:

services.AddHttpClient<IAskCatService, AskCatService>((sp, config) =>
	.WithResiliencePipeline((pb) => 
		// ✔ Adds transient http errors to the response handling filter.

Additionally, you can include custom failure status codes or categories in the final handler filter:

			// ✔ Also adds 5XX status codes to the response handling filter.

You can also include in the filter any exception type thrown by an inner handler:

		// ✔ Include 'SomeExceptionFromNonPipelineHandler' exceptions in the filter 
		//when thrown by a non-pipeline handler (in this case).

⚾ In a service that uses HttpClient or HttpClientFactory, wrap the call to HttpClient in a catch block that handles the special HttpPolicyResultException exception. If the request was not successful, examine the HttpPolicyResultException properties in this handler for details of the response:

	using var response = await _client.GetAsync(uri, token);
catch (OperationCanceledException oe)
catch (HttpPolicyResultException hpre)
	// ✔ If the response status code matches the handling filter status code:
	if (hpre.HasFailedResponse)
		//For example, log a failed status code.
		logger.LogError("Failed status code: {StatusCode}.", hpre.FailedResponseData.StatusCode);
catch (Exception ex)

📜 HttpPolicyResultException properties

Public properties of the HttpPolicyResultException:

  • InnerException
    • if the response status code matches the handling filter status code, it will be the special FailedHttpResponseException;
    • otherwise, an exception is thrown by a handler, either inside or outside the pipeline.
  • FailedResponseData - not null if the status code part of the handling filter matches the response status code.
  • HasFailedResponse - true if FailedResponseData is not null.
  • PolicyResult - specifies the PolicyResult<HttpResponseMessage> result that is produced by a policy that belongs to the DelegatingHandler that throws this exception.
  • InnermostPolicyResult - specifies the PolicyResult<HttpResponseMessage> result produced by a policy of the final handler or by a handler in the pipeline that throws its own exception.
  • IsErrorExpected - indicates whether the filter for the original exception was satisfied.
  • IsCanceled - indicates whether the execution was canceled.

🐈 Samples CSharp

See the /samples folder for concrete examples.

🔗 Links And Thanks

Steve Gordon. HttpClientFactory in ASP.NET Core 2.1 (Part 3) :

Martin Tomka. Building resilient cloud services with .NET 8 :

Thomas Levesque. Fun with the HttpClient pipeline :

Milan Jovanovic. Extending HttpClient With Delegating Handlers in ASP.NET Core :

Josef Ottosson. Testing your Polly policies :