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What is a proxy

Jonathan edited this page Feb 4, 2018 · 1 revision

Proxy is a wrapper or agent to access real object behind scenes¹, in Java, there is a native proxy generator², but Java Proxy Generator has some limitations:

  • They can only have super interfaces
    • Essentially, Proxies interfaces to something (note the 'interfaces' word), but in some special cases, we need to extend a class (for lazy evaluation for example).
  • They need reflection
    • This introduces a little overhead to invocations, JIT can optimize it, but JIT would do better if it was a simple direct invocation.
  • Invocation of super method
    • Super invocations is not possible without hacks (which may not work at all with access exceptions).

KoresProxy does not have these limitations and also allow user to customize proxy classes.


¹Wikipedia ²Proxy

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