Little helper scripts to aid infrastructure testing and reporting
python 3.8
pip install -r requirements.txt
Recommended to put this directory in your PATH so you can execute scripts from anywhere. Example .zshrc addition below:
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/helper-scripts
Nessus merger - has been modified with pwsh shebang to work on WSL / Linux & reversed \ to / to support *nix filepaths.
This script will take in a single file or directory of nessus files and will output an Excel Workbook as well a Host Information.txt file in your current working directory.
A nessus file of around 8000 hosts takes around 5 minutes to process. Use --help or -h for full help and examples output.
An extended configuration file providing a wrapper around the nmap NSE library and hydra to automatically brute force common management ports.
# Installation script - run as root
apt install python3-sqlalchemy python3-pyqt5 wkhtmltopdf ldap-utils rwho rsh-client x11-apps finger seclists
git clone /usr/share/sparta
mv /usr/share/sparta/sparta /usr/bin/sparta ; chmod +x /usr/bin/sparta
wget -O /usr/share/sparta/sparta.conf
# Install vulscan
git clone /usr/share/vulscan
cd /usr/share/vulscan ; rm *.csv ; sudo chmod +x ; sudo ./
Wrapper script to handle creation and deletion of multiple VLANs when testing via trunk ports
CLI raw packet capturer for offline analysis
Extended list of named pipes to increase success of SMB based vulnerabilities.
wget -O /usr/share/metasploit-framework/data/wordlists/named_pipes.txt