Web interface for BeamMP server
Now complete with log rotate, saving users from rotated logs to database, uploading and deleting mods, config switching and much more! Feature flipping comming soon.
You need one or two linux server / VPS / Raspberrypi (Debian 10+, Ubuntu 18+, Raspbian)
One server to run BeamMP-Server
One server to run this admin app (can be the same server, with another user)
You can also deploy this admin app on Vercel.
You need nodejs version 12 or greater.
You can find the procedure here.
The recommended way if you have an ubuntu server is to download the latest binary for ubuntu on BeamMP-Server GitHub release page
You must set it up in a beammp-server
folder at the root of the folder of the user which will launch BeamMP server.
- Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/levg34/beammp-admin.git
- Install node libraries:
cd beammp-admin
npm install
- Build the project
npm run build
- Create your config:
Create a .env.local file in beammp-admin
folder root with the following content:
HOST= # replace with your beamMP server IP adress
USERNAME=youruser # replace with the username which runs BeamMP server on your remote server
PRIVATE_KEY=/home/localuser/.ssh/id_rsa # replace with the path to your private key
If you want to change from the default locale (en-uk), add this like in your .env.local file:
NEXT_PUBLIC_LOCALE=fr # replace with your locale
- Add your key to authorized ssh keys
Copy the public key from where you run this server to the remote server (where you run beammp server) in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
cat /home/localuser/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh youruser@beammpserver: -T "cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"
- Create a directory for log rotation (feature flipping comming soon)
mkdir ~/logs
- Start the server
npm start
nohup npx next start &
If you want to use supabase to save the users between server restart, save configs, etc, you need to add the following lines in your .env.local file:
SUPABASE_URL=https://yoursupabaseurl.supabase.co # replace with your supabase URL
SUPABASE_KEY=yoursupabasekey # replace with your supabase key
You need to create the following tables:
- config: represents a ServerCOnfig.toml content, here is mine but you should be ready to adapt yours:
- logfiles:
- users
To be able to authenticate users, you need to create an OAuth app in GitHub and/or Google, and add the following to your .env.local file:
Then define which users can use your app by creating config/usersConfig.json
based on config/usersConfig.example.json
"admins": [
I will try to keep this readme up to date, but I add so much new features, that it may not be up to date when you read it.
This project is under the GNU v3 licence (see LICENSE.md file)