We're not just hosting a hackathon, but building a sustainable ecosystem for freedom-oriented software. Through our "Project Incubation + Continuous Support" model, we aim to:
- 培育自由软件项目 | Nurture Freedom Software Projects
- 从概念到产品的全程支持
- 技术、资金、社区多维度扶持
- Full support from concept to product
- Multi-dimensional support in technology, funding, and community
- 建立长期合作关系 | Establish Long-term Partnerships
- 黑客松只是起点,不是终点
- 优秀项目将获得持续关注和支持
- Hackathon is the beginning, not the end
- Outstanding projects receive ongoing attention and support
- 打造完整生态链 | Create Complete Ecosystem
- 连接开发者、用户与资源
- 形成良性循环的生态系统
- Connect developers, users, and resources
- Form a virtuous cycle ecosystem
- 初期孵化 | Initial Incubation
- 黑客松项目启动
- 原型开发支持
- 社区反馈收集
- Hackathon project initiation
- Prototype development support
- Community feedback collection
- 成长期 | Growth Phase
- 持续开发资金支持
- 技术指导和优化
- 用户群体培育
- Continued development funding
- Technical guidance and optimization
- User base cultivation
- 成熟期 | Maturity Phase
- 项目独立运营
- 社区深度整合
- 生态价值实现
- Independent project operation
- Deep community integration
- Ecosystem value realization
- 资金支持 | Financial Support
- 初始开发资助
- 阶段性追加投资
- 生态共建奖励
- Initial development funding
- Phase-based additional investment
- Ecosystem co-building rewards
- 技术支持 | Technical Support
- 开发工具与框架
- 技术指导与评审
- 安全审计支持
- Development tools and frameworks
- Technical guidance and review
- Security audit support
- 运营支持 | Operational Support
- 社区运营指导
- 用户增长策略
- 市场推广支持
- Community operation guidance
- User growth strategy
- Marketing support
Imagine: A development team proposes building a Chinese free speech forum during the hackathon, develops an MVP with initial funding. Guided by community feedback, they continuously improve and gain user adoption. Through regular progress evaluation, the project receives follow-up funding and eventually becomes a crucial infrastructure project in the community, achieving unity of technical innovation, social value, and sustainable development.
LI-DAO developer community is an independent decentralized autonomous organization that operates around the $LI token ecosystem. We are dedicated to promoting free information flow through blockchain technology and supporting press freedom initiatives. As an independent entity, while maintaining an open collaborative relationship with the LI Foundation, we operate completely independently in terms of organizational structure and operational decisions.
"Code for Press Freedom" - 用代码守护新闻自由 "Code for Press Freedom" - Defending Press Freedom Through Technology
- 时间 | Time: 2024年4月4日 - 4月18日(为期两周)/ April 4 - April 18, 2024 (Two weeks)
- 地点 | Venue: 完全线上,基于GitHub平台 / Fully online, GitHub-based
- 参与方式 | Participation: GitHub仓库提交 + Telegram交流 / GitHub repository submission + Telegram communication
为保护参与者安全,我们提供以下特别支持: To protect participants' security, we offer the following special support:
- 项目代持服务 | Project Hosting Service
- LI-DAO可代表开发者持有和发布项目 / LI-DAO can host and publish projects on behalf of developers
- 确保开发者隐私和安全 / Ensuring developer privacy and security
- 提供匿名参与方案 / Providing anonymous participation options
- 安全通信渠道 | Secure Communication Channels
- 加密通讯保护 / Encrypted communication protection
- 匿名身份参与 / Anonymous participation
- 安全验证机制 / Secure verification mechanism
Supporting press freedom through technological innovation, combating information censorship, and promoting freedom of speech and information flow.
- 去中心化新闻发布平台 / Decentralized news publishing platforms
- 加密通讯工具 / Encrypted communication tools
- 防审查内容分发系统 / Anti-censorship content distribution systems
- 新闻工作者数据安全工具 / Data security tools for journalists
- 匿名报道技术方案 / Anonymous reporting solutions
- 信息加密存储方案 / Encrypted information storage solutions
- 新闻真实性验证工具 / News authenticity verification tools
- 信息溯源系统 / Information tracing systems
- 反虚假信息传播工具 / Anti-misinformation tools
- 反网络封锁技术 / Anti-blocking technologies
- 信息自由流通解决方案 / Free information flow solutions
- 安全访问工具 / Secure access tools
奖金将按募集资金比例分配,以$LI代币形式发放: Rewards will be distributed as a percentage of the raised funds in $LI tokens:
- 一等奖 | First Prize: 募集资金池的25% / 25% of the prize pool
- 二等奖 | Second Prize: 募集资金池的15% / 15% of the prize pool
- 三等奖 | Third Prize: 募集资金池的10% / 10% of the prize pool
- 优秀项目奖 | Excellence Awards: 募集资金池的20%(5个项目平分)/ 20% of the prize pool (split among 5 projects)
- 参与奖 | Participation Awards: 募集资金池的30%(按提交有效项目数量平分)/ 30% of the prize pool (split among all valid submissions)
- 项目必须为开源项目 / Project must be open source
- 代码需托管在GitHub上(可由LI-DAO代持)/ Code must be hosted on GitHub (can be hosted by LI-DAO)
- 项目必须符合活动主题 / Project must align with the event theme
- 提供详细的项目文档 / Provide detailed project documentation
标准提交 | Standard Submission:
- Fork活动官方仓库 / Fork the official event repository
- 创建项目文件夹 / Create project folder
- 提交代码和文档 / Submit code and documentation
- 创建Pull Request / Create Pull Request
匿名提交 | Anonymous Submission:
- 通过加密通道联系LI-DAO / Contact LI-DAO through encrypted channel
- 提供项目相关资料 / Provide project materials
- LI-DAO代为提交 / LI-DAO submits on behalf
- 创新性 | Innovation (25%)
- 实用性 | Practicality (25%)
- 技术实现 | Technical Implementation (25%)
- 对新闻自由的贡献度 | Contribution to Press Freedom (25%)
- 4月4日 | April 4: 活动启动 / Event Launch
- 4月4日-17日 | April 4-17: 项目开发阶段 / Development Phase
- 4月17日 23:59 | April 17, 23:59: 提交截止 / Submission Deadline
- 4月18日 | April 18: 评审及结果公布 / Evaluation and Results
- 加入Telegram社区 / Join Telegram Community
- 选择参与方式(直接或匿名)/ Choose participation method (direct or anonymous)
- 提交注册表单(可通过加密通道)/ Submit registration form (can be through encrypted channel)
- 开始项目开发 / Start Development
- LI-DAO核心开发者 / LI-DAO Core Developers
- 受邀新闻自由倡导者 / Invited Press Freedom Advocates
- 开源社区技术专家 / Open Source Community Experts
- Telegram: LI-DAO Community Channel
- GitHub: LI-DAO GitHub Organization
- Email: hackathon@lidao.pro (建议使用加密邮件 / Encrypted email recommended)
- 参与者需确保项目合法性 / Participants must ensure project legality
- 项目需采用开源许可证 / Projects must use open source licenses
- LI-DAO保留最终解释权 / LI-DAO reserves the right of final interpretation
- LI-DAO承诺保护参与者隐私和安全 / LI-DAO commits to protecting participants' privacy and security
LI-DAO is a decentralized autonomous organization built around the $LI token ecosystem, dedicated to promoting free information flow through blockchain technology and supporting press freedom initiatives.
- 建议使用Tor或VPN访问相关资源 / Recommend using Tor or VPN to access resources
- 使用加密通讯工具交流 / Use encrypted communication tools
- 注意保护个人身份信息 / Protect personal identity information
- 必要时使用匿名提交方式 / Use anonymous submission when necessary
让我们用代码的力量,共同守护新闻自由! Let's defend press freedom with the power of code!
期待您的参与! Looking forward to your participation!
#CodeForPressFreedom #LiDAO #Hackathon
📢 征求意见稿说明 | Draft Notice
本文档为LI-DAO "捍卫新闻自由"黑客松活动策划征求意见稿,尚未定稿。欢迎社区成员对活动方案提出建议和意见,特别是关于:
- 活动主题设置
- 项目方向建议
- 奖励分配方案
- 安全保护措施
- 技术支持方案
This document is a draft proposal for LI-DAO "Defend Press Freedom" Hackathon, pending finalization. Community members are welcome to provide suggestions and feedback, especially regarding:
- Event theme
- Project directions
- Reward distribution
- Security measures
- Technical support
Please provide feedback via Telegram group or encrypted email.