- Constructing rich text using interpolation, Smooth coding, Elegant and natural style.
- More control extension support.
- Support for multi-level rich text cascading and provide other style priority strategies.
- Support for all
functions. - Support iOS & macOS & watchOS & tvOS.
- Support text and attachment click or press event callback, support highlight style.
- Support async image attachment, you can load remote image to
. - Support view attachment, you can add custom view to
. - Continue to add more new features.
pod 'AttributedString'
github "lixiang1994/AttributedString"
Select Xcode menu File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency
and enter repository URL with GUI.
Repository: https://github.com/lixiang1994/AttributedString
Add the following to the dependencies of your Package.swift
.package(url: "https://github.com/lixiang1994/AttributedString.git", from: "version")
First make sure to import the framework:
import AttributedString
How to initialize:
// Normal
let a: ASAttributedString = .init("lee", .font(.systemFont(ofSize: 13)))
// Interpolation
let b: ASAttributedString = "\("lee", .font(.systemFont(ofSize: 13)))"
Here are some usage examples. All devices are also available as simulators:
textView.attributed.text = """
\("fontSize: 13", .font(.systemFont(ofSize: 13)))
\("fontSize: 20", .font(.systemFont(ofSize: 20)))
\("fontSize: 22 weight: semibold", .font(.systemFont(ofSize: 22, weight: .semibold)))
textView.attributed.text = """
\("foregroundColor", .foreground(.white))
\("foregroundColor", .foreground(.red))
textView.attributed.text = """
\("strikethrough: single", .strikethrough(.single))
\("strikethrough: double color: .red", .strikethrough(.double, color: .red))
// ASAttributedString.Attachment
textView.attributed.text = """
\(.data(xxxx, type: "zip"))
\(.file(try!.init(url: .init(fileURLWithPath: "xxxxx"), options: [])))
// ASAttributedString.ImageAttachment
textView.attributed.text = """
\(.image(UIImage(named: "xxxx")))
\(.image(UIImage(named: "xxxx"), .custom(size: .init(width: 200, height: 200))))
\(.image(UIImage(named: "xxxx"), .proposed(.center))).
// ASAttributedString.AsyncImageAttachment
textView.attributed.text = """
\(.image(url, placeholder: xxxxx))
Custom loader:
ASAttributedString.AsyncImageAttachment.Loader = AsyncImageAttachmentKingfisherLoader.self
Please read the demo AttachmentViewController.swift
file for details.
// ASAttributedString.ViewAttachment
textView.attributed.text = """
\(.view(xxxxView, .custom(size: .init(width: 200, height: 200))))
\(.view(xxxxView, .proposed(.center))).
let a: ASAttributedString = .init("123", .background(.blue))
let b: ASAttributedString = .init("456", .background(.red))
textView.attributed.text = "\(wrap: a) \(wrap: b, .paragraph(.alignment(.center)))"
// Defalut embedding mode, Nested internal styles take precedence over external styles
textView.attributed.text = "\(wrap: a, .paragraph(.alignment(.center)))"
textView.attributed.text = "\(wrap: .embedding(a), .paragraph(.alignment(.center)))"
// Override mode, Nested outer style takes precedence over inner style
textView.attributed.text = "\(wrap: .override(a), .paragraph(.alignment(.center)))"
let a: ASAttributedString = .init("123", .background(.blue))
let b: ASAttributedString = .init("456", .background(.red))
let c: ASAttributedString = .init("789", .background(.gray))
textView.attributed.text = a + b
textView.attributed.text += c
var string: ASAttributedString = .init("my phone number is +86 18611401994.", .background(.blue))
string.add(attributes: [.foreground(color)], checkings: [.phoneNumber])
textView.attributed.text = string
var string: ASAttributedString = .init("open https://www.apple.com and https://github.com/lixiang1994/AttributedString", .background(.blue))
string.add(attributes: [.foreground(color)], checkings: [.link])
textView.attributed.text = string
var string: ASAttributedString = .init("123456789", .background(.blue))
string.add(attributes: [.foreground(color)], checkings: [.regex("[0-6]")])
textView.attributed.text = string
For complex styles, it is recommended to use UITextView.
UITextview needs to set isEditable
and isSelectable
to false
// Text
let a: ASAttributedString = .init("lee", .action({ }))
// Attachment (image)
let b: ASAttributedString = .init(.image(image), action: {
// code
// It is recommended to use functions as parameters.
func clicked() {
// code
// Normal
let c: ASAttributedString = .init("lee", .action(clicked))
let d: ASAttributedString = .init(.image(image), action: clicked)
// Interpolation
let e: ASAttributedString = "\("lee", .action(clicked))"
let f: ASAttributedString = "\(.image(image), action: clicked)"
// More information.
func clicked(_ result: ASAttributedString.Action.Result) {
switch result.content {
case .string(let value):
print("Currently clicked text: \(value) range: \(result.range)")
case .attachment(let value):
print("Currently clicked attachment: \(value) range: \(result.range)")
label.attributed.text = "This is \("Label", .font(.systemFont(ofSize: 20)), .action(clicked))"
textView.attributed.text = "This is a picture \(.image(image, .custom(size: .init(width: 100, height: 100))), action: clicked) Displayed in custom size."
func pressed(_ result: ASAttributedString.Action.Result) {
switch result.content {
case .string(let value):
print("Currently pressed text: \(value) range: \(result.range)")
case .attachment(let value):
print("Currently pressed attachment: \(value) range: \(result.range)")
label.attributed.text = "This is \("Long Press", .font(.systemFont(ofSize: 20)), .action(.press, pressed))"
textView.attributed.text = "This is a picture \(.image(image, .custom(size: .init(width: 100, height: 100))), trigger: .press, action: pressed) Displayed in custom size."
func clicked(_ result: ASAttributedString.Action.Result) {
switch result.content {
case .string(let value):
print("Currently clicked text: \(value) range: \(result.range)")
case .attachment(let value):
print("Currently clicked attachment: \(value) range: \(result.range)")
label.attributed.text = "This is \("Label", .font(.systemFont(ofSize: 20)), .action([.foreground(.blue)], clicked))"
let custom = ASAttributedString.Action(.press, highlights: [.background(.blue), .foreground(.white)]) { (result) in
switch result.content {
case .string(let value):
print("Currently pressed text: \(value) range: \(result.range)")
case .attachment(let value):
print("Currently pressed attachment: \(value) range: \(result.range)")
label.attributed.text = "This is \("Custom", .font(.systemFont(ofSize: 20)), .action(custom))"
textView.attributed.text = "This is a picture \(.image(image, .original(.center)), action: custom) Displayed in original size."
label.attributed.observe([.phoneNumber], highlights: [.foreground(.blue)]) { (result) in
print("Currently clicked \(result)")
textView.attributed.observe([.link], highlights: [.foreground(.blue)]) { (result) in
print("Currently clicked \(result)")
For more examples, see the sample application.
The following properties are available:
font | UIFont |
font |
color | UIColor |
foreground color |
background | UIColor |
background color |
paragraph | ParagraphStyle |
paragraph attributes |
ligature | Bool |
Ligatures cause specific character combinations to be rendered using a single custom glyph that corresponds to those characters |
kern | CGFloat |
kerning |
strikethrough | NSUnderlineStyle . UIColor |
strikethrough style and color (if color is nil foreground is used) |
underline | NSUnderlineStyle , UIColor |
underline style and color (if color is nil foreground is used) |
link | String / URL |
baselineOffset | CGFloat |
character’s offset from the baseline, in point |
shadow | NSShadow |
shadow effect of the text |
stroke | CGFloat , UIColor |
stroke width and color |
textEffect | NSAttributedString.TextEffectStyle |
text effect |
obliqueness | CGFloat |
text obliqueness |
expansion | CGFloat |
expansion / shrink |
writingDirection | WritingDirection / [Int] |
initial writing direction used to determine the actual writing direction for text |
verticalGlyphForm | Bool |
vertical glyph (Currently on iOS, it's always horizontal.) |
range(NSRange) |
custom range |
regex(String) |
regular expression |
action |
action |
date |
date (Based on NSDataDetector ) |
link |
link (Based on NSDataDetector ) |
address |
address (Based on NSDataDetector ) |
phoneNumber |
phone number (Based on NSDataDetector ) |
transitInformation |
transit Information (Based on NSDataDetector ) |
If you have the need for a specific feature that you want implemented or if you experienced a bug, please open an issue. If you extended the functionality of AttributedString yourself and want others to use it too, please submit a pull request.
AttributedString is under MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.