- 🐱 Use GitHub issues as your blog storage
- 💬 Comment Section
- 📝 Create / Edit / Delete posts
- 🌓 Light / Dark theme
- 📱 RWD
- 🧑💻 Syntax Highlighting
- ♾️ Infinite scroll at home page
- 🔍 SEO Friendly
- Fork this repository
- Create a GitHub OAuth app with the callback URL:
- Create a personal access token.
- You can customize the blog with environment variables. Here's an example:
GITHUB_CLIENT_ID="your oauth app client id"
GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET="your oauth app client secret"
GITHUB_TOKEN="your personal access token"
BLOG_TITLE="Daniel's Blog"
BLOG_DESCRIPTION="Hi, I'm Daniel, a software engineer from Taiwan. Welcome to my blog!"
NEXT_PUBLIC_OWNER="m4xshen" (your GitHub username)
NEXT_PUBLIC_REPO="github-issue-blog" (the GitHub repository name that you want to store posts in)
If you plan to deploy your site...
- with Vercel: add environment variables in settings
- by yourself: copy above content to
- Deploy the site and login to start blogging!
- with Vercel: follow the docs
- by yourself:
pnpm build && pnpm start
and check out http://localhost:3000