Blazing-Fast SVM Ephemeral Validator: Clones accounts and programs just-in-time and settles state to a reference cluster.
The Ephemeral Validator is a Solana Virtual Machine Validator that clones accounts and programs just-in-time and settles state to a reference cluster. It is designed to be used in a MagicBlock Ephemeral Rollup instance to build any type of applications entirely on Solana, but can also be used as a super-charged development environment
Ephemeral Rollups extend Solana by enabling the Solana Virtual Machine (SVM) to replace centralized servers. They allow to use the SVM as a serverless, elastic compute for real-time use cases like fully onchain gaming, trustless high-frequency finance, decentralized social networks etc, while keeping all smart contracts and state on Solana.
The core intuition is that by harnessing the SVM’s account structure and its capacity for parallelization, we can split the app/game state into shards. Users can lock one or multiple accounts to temporarily transfer the state to an auxiliary layer, which we define as the “ephemeral rollup”, a configurable dedicated runtime.
The Ephemeral Rollups instances always originate from a reference cluster, which is the source of truth for the state (programs and accounts). The session is eventually settled back to the reference cluster.
For the full documentation, please refer to the Ephemeral Rollups page.
$ curl -sSf | sh
$ source $HOME/.cargo/env
$ rustup component add rustfmt
$ git clone
$ git clone
$ cd ephemeral-validator
$ cargo build
The validator supports configurations for the different use cases. The configuration files is a TOML file (some examples can be found in configs). Additionally, the configuration can be overridden by environment variables.
For example, to run the ephemeral validator on the devnet cluster, run:
$ cargo run -- configs/ephem-devnet.toml
Additionally, the validator can also be run with docker: magicblocklabs/validator
Run the test suite:
$ make test
Running an integration test locally requires:
$ cd test-integration
$ ./configs/
$ cargo run -- configs/ephem-localnet.toml
$ cargo test --test 01_invocations test_schedule_commit_directly_with_single_ix --profile test
ephemeral devnet
- stable public cluster for development accessible via It uses solana devnet as base cluster for cloning and settling.
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The reader should be aware that U.S. export control and sanctions laws prohibit U.S. persons (and other persons that are subject to such laws) from transacting with persons in certain countries and territories or that are on the SDN list. Accordingly, there is a risk to individuals that other persons using any of the code contained in this repo, or a derivation thereof, may be sanctioned persons and that transactions with such persons would be a violation of U.S. export controls and sanctions law.
The Ephemeral Validator is in active development, so all APIs are subject to change. This code is unaudited. Use at your own risk.
The most up-to-date version of the ephemeral validator is developed in a private repository. We will periodically update this repository with the latest changes. If you wish to build from the latest version or report vulnerabilities or improvements, please contact us on Discord or Twitter.
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