For all those who hate the new GitHub Notification System with a passion.
Warning: this readme contains rage and swear words, process with caution
Something which can inject custom JavaScript and CSS into web pages.
- Tidy up layout and remove useless UI clutter
- Replace the new "DONE" nonsense with the good old "Mark as read" (intercepts requests to the API)
- Removes bookmarks button
- Adds link to repository in grouped by repository mode header (the old layout had those by default)
- Removes tracking links from notifications so you don't get this new shitty header when visiting an issue/pr etc.
Help, I still get this shitty header when clicking on notification links!!
Add this CSS to all GitHub pages:
/* fucking remove this new notification navigation cancer when visiting page from a notification */
.notifications-v2.notification-shelf.js-notification-shelf.js-notification-top-shelf,, {
display: none !important;
} {
top: 0 !important;
Do what ever the fuck you want with it. I implemented this on an evening while raging and being very pissed of ðŸ˜