This is a simple, hybrid guitar amplifier, made as a hobby project. More applicable for learning and practice, rather than anything else. Outputs around 1W of power.
- Runs off of a single 12V DC supply.
- Pre-amp based on the 12AX7 vacuum tube.
- Power amplifier based on the LM386 IC.
This section is yet to be populated.
- Add headphone output.
- Add effects loop:
- FX send can be driven directly from the 2nd tube stage.
- FX return needs a buffer before feeding into the power amp section. Can use the second half of the NE5532 for this.
- What about operation modes? With/without effects loop. This would require a SPDT switch to either send the pre-amped signal into the effects chain, or directly into the buffer.
- Add bypass capacitors on power supply lines:
- LM386: 10uF, 100nF
- NE5532: 10uF, 100nF
- Add power switch, LED
[ ] Bridge the two LM386s for twice the power- Consider poweramp alternatives
- TDA2030
- Obsolete but cheap and widely available
- Widely used in many commercial guitar amps (or TDA2050)
- TDA2030
- Design perfboard layout
- Add a tone control section.
- Between tube stages?
- (?) Add gain adjustment for the power section (LM386 pins 1-8)
- Render BOM into README, as a Markdown table.
This design was inspired by:
- Ruby Tuby amplifier design.
- Tube Cricket