Smart Shop- A clone of IndiaMart.
IndiaMART is India’s largest online B2B marketplace, connecting buyers with suppliers. With 60% market share of the online B2B Classified space in India, the channel focuses on providing a platform to Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Large Enterprises as well as individuals. Founded in 1999, the company’s mission is ‘to make doing business easy’.
- Landing Page, Navbar & Footer.
- Fully responsive.
- Login and Signup Page with json-server and localStorage.
- Admin page to add,delete,edit products.
- Search products from the homepage.
- Product Filtering & Sorting Based on Price, Discount and Category.
- Product Details in brief manner.
- Pagination
- Cart Add and Remove Items
- Cart Update Quantities
- Order Summary
This is the main landing page of our website. Here, if you clicked on New Arrivals/ Clothing/ Shoes you will be redirected to that page if you are already logged in else you will be redirected to the login page.
You can also search products in the searchbar.
On this page, we have used localstorage for signup.
On this page, we have used localstorage for login so you can use the email which you have used to signup.
On this page, we have used localstorage for login so you can use the email which you have used to signup.
On admin login, you will be redirected to the admin page and over there you can add, delete, update any product in the database and can also delete any user.
Here users can browse, sort
the product based on brand, price and discound
and add items to the cart by clicking on the Add to Cart
Here users can see details of an individual product and can also add/remove product to cart.
Here all the products added to the cart will be shown. On this page, By Clicking on remove from cart your product will be removed from the cart.
On This Page there is info about the site....
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd parsimonious-mouth-5256-
Install dependencies for frontend as well as backend
npm install
Start the localhost server
npm start
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