I (manman4) started editing OEIS in 2016.
As I have accumulated various pieces of code during the editing process, I plan to release them gradually.
Please note that there may be some garbled text.
Sequence Number | Relevant Repository |
A000001-A099999 | OEIS_00 |
A100000-A199999 | OEIS_01 |
A200000-A299999 | OEIS_02 |
A300000-A399999 | OEIS_03 |
To avoid uploading b-files (due to their large size, which will be managed in a separate repository), text files will also not be uploaded.
The files are limited to 1000 digits, including the sign.
\\ A336975
v(n)={x='x+O('x^(n+10)); 1/prod(k=1, n, 1-x^k*(k+x))};
for(n=0, M, i=polcoef(v, n); if((i<0)+#digits(i)>1000, break); write("/Users/xxx/Desktop/b336975_gp_test.txt", n, " ", i))
As a precaution, the calculations are carried out for a higher range than needed. For example, calculate up to 10100 but display only up to 10000.
In this repository, the scripts are saved as PARI/GP files.
The official repository for OEIS data can be found here:
Repositories organized by theme, created by me, can be found here: