This script lets you interact with a custom actions menu based on dmenu.
The idea is to expand on the basic functionality of dmenu by defining personal commands, applications, routines and other scripts to run with it.
This project consists of a single bash script.
To "install" it, copy it to the bin
directory and give it executable
git clone && cd evemenu
sudo cp evemenu /usr/local/bin/evemenu
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/evemenu
Note: it relies on the dmenu utility; you can install it from this repository.
Launch the script with the evemenu
You can customize the appearance with custom values for the font, the
background and foreground colors.
These are defined as variables in the script itself.
The most important part of the script is the dictionary containing all the
actions that can be executed.
The values are the routines to run and the keys are the names the user
has to type to execute the commands.
# [key]=value
declare -A actions=(
[nightmode]=" --on"
With this example, launch the script and type out (or select with the arrows) either chatgpt, nightmode or spotify and the correspondent action will be performed.
The advantage of evemenu, compared to the standard dmenu utility,
is the possibility of defining custom actions which can be applications (like
) or more complex commands with arguments and options (like chatgpt
opening a specific link in the browser), or even other scripts (nightmode
The only dependency is the dmenu utility. Install it from this repository.
Marco Plaitano
Distributed under the MIT license.