- Simple interface for fetching Open Graph Data
- Be able to display Open Graph Data
- Automatically caching Open Graph Data
- Automatically caching Open Graph Image
- Tap handleable
- Clearable image cache
- Clearable data cache
- Support Swift3.2 (until 0.11.x)
- Supprot Swift4.x (until 0.17.1)
- Support Swift5 (since 0.18.0)
- Support Carthage since 0.11.1
- Support tvOS since 0.16.0
- Custom implementation of OGData cache
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run carthage update
from the Example directory first.
let embeddedView = URLEmbeddedView()
- Default
- No Image
- No response
embeddedView.textProvider[.Title].font = .boldSystemFontOfSize(18)
embeddedView.textProvider[.Title].fontColor = .lightGrayColor()
embeddedView.textProvider[.Title].numberOfLines = 2
//You can use ".Title", ".Description", ".Domain" and ".NoDataTitle"
You can get Open Graph Data with OGDataProvider
OGDataProvider.shared.fetchOGData(urlString: String, completion: ((OpenGraph.Data, Error?) -> Void)? = nil) -> String?
OGDataProvider.shared.deleteOGData(urlString: String, completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil)
OGDataProvider.shared.deleteOGData(_ ogData: OpenGraph.Data, completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil)
You can configure time interval for next updating of OGData. Default is 10 days.
OGDataProvider.shared.updateInterval = 10.days
You can get UIImage with OGImageProvider
OGImageProvider.shared.loadImage(urlString: String, completion: ((UIImage?, Error?) -> Void)? = nil) -> NSURLSessionDataTask?
Default cache feature is using Core Data.
If you want to use other cache features, please implement cache manager with OGDataCacheManagerProtocol
For example, URLEmbeddedView has OGDataNoCacheManager
that feature is not using cache.
If you want to use that feature, you can use like this.
OGDataProvider.shared.cacheManager = OGDataNoCacheManager()
You can implement custom cache feature and use it like this.
class MemoryCacheManager: OGDataCacheManagerProtocol {
// implementation of required methods
OGDataProvider.shared.cacheManager = MemoryCacheManager()
public let imageUrl: URL?
public let pageDescription: String?
public let pageTitle: String?
public let pageType: String?
public let siteName: String?
public let sourceUrl: URL?
public let url: URL?
You can only use download feature of OGData with OpenGraphDataDownloader
like this.
let urlString = ...
OpenGraphDataDownloader.shared.fetchOGData(urlString: urlString) { result in
switch result {
case let .success(data, isExpired):
// do something
case let .failure(error, isExpired):
// do something
If you use OGDataProvider
with OGDataNoCacheManager
, it is almost same process.
OGDataProvider.shared.cacheManager = OGDataNoCacheManager()
let urlString = ...
OGDataProvider.shared.fetchOGData(urlString: urlString) { ogData, error in
// do something
URLEmbeddedView is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project
# platform :ios, '8.0'
target 'Your Project Name' do
# Comment the next line if you're not using Swift and don't want to use dynamic frameworks
# Pods for URLEmbeddedViewSample
pod "URLEmbeddedView"
If you’re using Carthage, simply add
NoticeObserveKit to your Cartfile
github "marty-suzuki/URLEmbeddedView"
#import <URLEmbeddedView/URLEmbeddedView-Swift.h>
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
URLEmbeddedView *embeddedView = [[URLEmbeddedView alloc] init];
[self.view addSubView:embeddedView];
[embeddedView loadURL:@"https://github.com/" completion:nil];
- (void)setUpdateInterval {
[OGDataProvider sharedInstance].updateInterval = [NSNumber days:10];
- (void)fetchOpenGraphData {
[[OGDataProvider sharedInstance] fetchOGDataWithUrlString:self.textView.text
completion:^(OpenGraphData *data, NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"OpenGraphData = %@", data);
Here is Objective-C sample.
- CryptoSwift is a greate Crypto related functions and helpers for Swift. (Created by @krzyzanowskim)
- Xcode 10.2 or greater
- iOS 8.0 or greater
- tvOS 10.0 or greater
- UIKit
- CoreData
- CoreGraphics
- MisterFusion - Swift DSL for AutoLayout
- NoticeObserveKit (type-safe NotificationCenter wrapper) is used in this sample.
- Android version is here. (Created by @kaelaela)
Taiki Suzuki, s1180183@gmail.com
URLEmbeddedView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.