Solving the Graph Coloring Problem with a Genetic Algorithm. The programming language used is C++. There are also some Python 3 scripts used to visualize the solutions of the algorithm for two hard-coded graphs. You can edit the main.cpp to define your own graph.
- g++
- Python3
- matplotlib
First we will solve the Graph Coloring Problem for a small graph.
Clone the repo
$ git clone
Navigate to the folder and compile main.cpp
$ cd GCP-Genetic-Algorithm
$ g++ main.cpp
$ ./a.out
and you should see the following output
the algorithm found a solution and called a python script to display it:
You can edit the main.cpp file to define any graph you want.
There is a second graph included and it is the map of the U.S.A. It is located in the file main_usa.cpp. Simply compile and run it just like main.cpp. The graph's edges where extracted from Matlab's Mapping Toolbox (see the link in the Sources).
$ g++ main_usa.cpp
$ ./a.out
you should see the following output
once again a python script will be called to display the solution
- In the case of the USA graph the program takes a long time to find a solution (~30 seconds). Sometimes the algorithm stops due to its iteration limit without finding a solution. This is due to the high complexity of the graph itself. You can try and modify the arguments in the run function or even do a PR. Any suggestions are welcome!
- The python scripts are only used to visualize the hard-coded graphs of the main programs.