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OSRS .json Hiscores

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The Old School RuneScape API wrapper that does more!

What it does

The official hiscores API for Old School RuneScape (OSRS) can return CSV or a simple JSON array. This wrapper converts the hiscores data into a more usable JSON object and provides extra information about the given player. By comparing player info it infers the player's game mode, as well as any previous modes (de-ultimated, de-ironed and/or died as a hardcore ironman).

Additional functions are provided that screen-scrape the OSRS leaderboards and return a list of players as json. Also simple utility functions are provided to fetch the raw responses from Jagex's APIs, if desired.

osrs-json-hiscores has TypeScript support, with full definitions for all functions and custom data types.

⚠ Disclaimer ⚠

Jagex does not provide Access-Control-Allow-Origin headers in their responses. This means that CORS will block all browser requests to their hiscores API. In order to get around this, osrs-json-hiscores needs to be installed on the server side and exposed to the front end via a simple API. Here is an example of this in use:

TLDR: You cannot use this library directly in your client side app e.g. React or Vue, you must set up a server which uses this lib internally and have your client fetch data from your server.


With npm:

$ npm install osrs-json-hiscores

With Yarn:

$ yarn add osrs-json-hiscores

How to use

Install the package and then import it into your project:

import { getStatsByGamemode, getSkillPage } from 'osrs-json-hiscores';

Once you import it you can call the functions asynchronously:

const stats = await getStatsByGamemode('Lynx Titan');
const topPage = await getSkillPage('overall');

getStats will return a full player object with gamemode.
getStatsByGameMode will return a stats object and accepts a gamemode parameter:

Game mode Param
Regular main
Ironman ironman
Hardcore Ironman hardcore
Ultimate Ironman ultimate
Deadman Mode deadman
Tournament tournament
Leagues seasonal

getSkillPage and getActivityPage require a skill / activity and optionally a gamemode and page:

getSkillPage('attack', 'main', 1)
  .then((res) => console.log(res))
  .catch((err) => console.error(err));

Activities consist of all levels of clue scrolls as well as minigames and bosses:

Clue Scrolls

Type Param
All allClues
Beginner beginnerClues
Easy easyClues
Medium mediumClues
Hard hardClues
Elite eliteClues
Master masterClues


Minigame Param
Bounty Hunter (Legacy - Rogue) rogueBH
Bounty Hunter (Legacy - Hunter) hunterBH
Bounty Hunter (Rogue) rogueBHV2
Bounty Hunter (Hunter) hunterBHV2
LMS - Rank lastManStanding
PvP Arena - Rank pvpArena
Soul Wars Zeal soulWarsZeal
Rifts closed riftsClosed
Colosseum Glory colosseumGlory
Collections Logged collectionsLogged


Activity Param
League Points leaguePoints
Deadman Points deadmanPoints


Boss Name Param
Abyssal Sire abyssalSire
Alchemical Hydra alchemicalHydra
Amoxliatl amoxliatl
Araxxor araxxor
Artio artio
Barrows Chests barrows
Bryophyta bryophyta
Callisto callisto
Calvar'ion calvarion
Cerberus cerberus
Chambers Of Xeric chambersOfXeric
Chambers Of Xeric: Challenge Mode chambersOfXericChallengeMode
Chaos Elemental chaosElemental
Chaos Fanatic chaosFanatic
Commander Zilyana commanderZilyana
Corporeal Beast corporealBeast
Crazy Archaeologist crazyArchaeologist
Dagannoth Prime dagannothPrime
Dagannoth Rex dagannothRex
Dagannoth Supreme dagannothSupreme
Deranged Archaeologist derangedArchaeologist
Duke Sucellus dukeSucellus
General Graardor generalGraardor
Giant Mole giantMole
Grotesque Guardians grotesqueGuardians
Hespori hespori
Kalphite Queen kalphiteQueen
King Black Dragon kingBlackDragon
Kraken kraken
Kreearra kreeArra
K'ril Tsutsaroth krilTsutsaroth
Lunar Chests lunarChests
Mimic mimic
Nex nex
Nightmare nightmare
Phosani's Nightmare phosanisNightmare
Obor obor
Phantom Muspah phantomMuspah
Sarachnis sarachnis
Scorpia scorpia
Scurrius scurrius
Skotizo skotizo
Sol Heredit solHeredit
Spindel spindel
Tempoross tempoross
The Gauntlet gauntlet
The Corrupted Gauntlet corruptedGauntlet
The Hueycoatl hueycoatl
The Leviathan leviathan
The Royal Titans royalTitans
The Whisperer whisperer
Theatre Of Blood theatreOfBlood
Theatre Of Blood: Hard Mode theatreOfBloodHardMode
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil thermonuclearSmokeDevil
Tombs of Amascut tombsOfAmascut
Tombs of Amascut: Expert Mode tombsOfAmascutExpertMode
TzKal-Zuk tzKalZuk
TzTok-Jad tzTokJad
Vardorvis vardorvis
Venenatis venenatis
Vetion vetion
Vorkath vorkath
Wintertodt wintertodt
Zalcano zalcano
Zulrah zulrah

What you'll get

getStats returns a player object that looks like this:

  name: 'Lynx Titan',
  mode: 'main',
  dead: false,
  deulted: false,
  deironed: false,
  main: {
    skills: {
      overall: {rank: 1, level: 2277, xp: 4600000000},
      attack: {},
      defence: {},
      // ...
    clues: {},
    leaguePoints: {},
    bountyHunter: {},
    lastManStanding: {},
    pvpArena: {},
    soulWarsZeal: {},
    riftsClosed: {},
    colosseumGlory: {},
    collectionsLogged: {},
    bosses: {}

getSkillPage returns and array of 25 players (This represents a page on the hiscores):

  { rank: 1, name: 'Lynx Titan', level: 2277, xp: 4600000000, dead: false },
  // ...

Helpful Extras

Get the properly formatted name of any skill, boss, clue or other activity:

// kril === "K'ril Tsutsaroth"
const kril = FORMATTED_BOSS_NAMES['krilTsutsaroth'];