Metacom protocol specification:
import { Metacom } from 'metacom';
// const { Metacom } = require('metacom'); // for backend
const metacom = Metacom.create('ws://');
const { api } = metacom;
try {
await metacom.load('auth'); // Load `auth` interface
await api.auth.status(); // Check session status
} catch (err) {
await api.auth.signIn({ login: 'marcus', password: 'marcus' });
await metacom.load('example'); // Load `example` interface
const result = api.example.methodName({ arg1, arg2 });
Create uploadFile
function on the client:
const metacom = Metacom.create('ws://');
const uploadFile = async (file) => {
// createBlobUploader creates streamId and inits file reader for convenience
const uploader = metacom.createBlobUploader(file);
// Prepare backend file consumer
await metacom.api.files.upload({
streamId: uploader.streamId,
// Start uploading stream and wait for its end
await uploader.upload();
return { uploadedFile: file };
Create API method to init file destination:
// api/files/upload.js
async ({ streamId, name }) => {
const filePath = `./application/resources/${name}`;
// Get incoming stream by streamId sent from client
const readable = context.client.getStream(streamId);
// Create nodejs stream to write file on server
const writable = node.fs.createWriteStream(filePath);
// Pipe metacom readable to nodejs writable
return { result: 'Stream initialized' };
Create downloadFile
function on the client:
const metacom = Metacom.create('ws://');
const downloadFile = async (name) => {
// Init backend file producer to get streamId
const { streamId } = await{ name });
// Get metacom readable stream
const readable = await metacom.getStream(streamId);
// Convert stream to blob to make a file on the client
const blob = await readable.toBlob();
return new File([blob], name);
Create API method to init file source:
// api/files/download.js
async ({ name }) => {
const filePath = `./application/resources/${name}`;
// Create nodejs readable stream to read a file
const readable = node.fs.createReadStream(filePath);
// Get file size
const { size } = await node.fsp.stat(filePath);
// Create metacom writable stream
const writable = context.client.createStream(name, size);
// Pipe nodejs readable to metacom writable
return { streamId: writable.streamId };
Copyright (c) 2018-2024 Metarhia contributors.
Metacom is MIT licensed.
Metacom is a part of Metarhia technology stack.