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.NET lib for Testcontainers that enables embedding Microcks into your unit tests with lightweight, throwaway instance thanks to containers.


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Microcks Testcontainers .NET

.NET library for Testcontainers that enables embedding Microcks into your unit tests with lightweight, throwaway instance thanks to containers.

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Build Status

Latest released version is 0.2.0.

Current development version is 0.3.0.

Sonarcloud Quality metrics

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Fossa license and security scans

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OpenSSF best practices on Microcks core

CII Best Practices OpenSSF Scorecard


To get involved with our community, please make sure you are familiar with the project's Code of Conduct.

How to use it?

Include it into your project dependencies

dotnet add package Microcks.Testcontainers --version 0.2.0

Startup the container

You just have to specify the container image you'd like to use. This library requires a Microcks uber distribution (with no MongoDB dependency).

MicrocksContainer container = new MicrocksBuilder()
await container.StartAsync();

Import content in Microcks

To use Microcks mocks or contract-testing features, you first need to import OpenAPI, Postman Collection, GraphQL or gRPC artifacts. Artifacts can be imported as main/Primary ones or as secondary ones. See Multi-artifacts support for details.

You can do it before starting the container using simple paths:

MicrocksContainer container = new MicrocksBuilder()
await container.StartAsync();

or once the container started using File arguments:


You can also import full repository snapshots at once:

MicrocksContainer container = new MicrocksBuilder()
await container.StartAsync();

Using mock endpoints for your dependencies

During your test setup, you'd probably need to retrieve mock endpoints provided by Microcks containers to setup your base API url calls. You can do it like this:

var baseApiUrl = container.GetRestMockEndpoint("API Pastries", "0.0.1");

The container provides methods for different supported API styles/protocols (Soap, GraphQL, gRPC,...).

The container also provides GetHttpEndpoint() for raw access to those API endpoints.

Launching new contract-tests

If you want to ensure that your application under test is conformant to an OpenAPI contract (or other type of contract), you can launch a Microcks contract/conformance test using the local server port you're actually running.

private int port;

public async Task InitializeAsync()
	container = new MicrocksBuilder()
	await container.StartAsync();

public async Task testOpenAPIContract()
	var testRequest = new TestRequest
		ServiceId = "API Pastries:0.0.1",
		RunnerType = TestRunnerType.OPEN_API_SCHEMA,
		TestEndpoint = $"http://host.testcontainers.internal:{port}",
		Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2000)
	TestResult testResult = await container.TestEndpointAsync(testRequest);


The TestResult gives you access to all details regarding success of failure on different test cases.

Advanced features with MicrocksContainersEnsemble

The MicrocksContainer referenced above supports essential features of Microcks provided by the main Microcks container. The list of supported features is the following:

  • Mocking of REST APIs using different kinds of artifacts,
  • Contract-testing of REST APIs using OPEN_API_SCHEMA runner/strategy,
  • Mocking and contract-testing of SOAP WebServices,
  • Mocking and contract-testing of GraphQL APIs,
  • Mocking and contract-testing of gRPC APIs.

To support features like Asynchronous contract-testing, we introduced MicrocksContainersEnsemble that allows managing additional Microcks services. MicrocksContainersEnsemble allow you to implement Different levels of API contract testing in the Inner Loop with Testcontainers!

A MicrocksContainersEnsemble presents the same methods as a MicrocksContainer. You can create and build an ensemble that way:

MicrocksContainersEnsemble ensemble = new MicrocksContainerEnsemble(network, MicrocksImage)


A MicrocksContainer is wrapped by an ensemble and is still available to import artifacts and execute test methods. You have to access it using:

MicrocksContainer microcks = ensemble.MicrocksContainer;

To activate async features (WebSocket), you can use WithAsyncFeature() method.

MicrocksContainersEnsemble ensemble = new MicrocksContainerEnsemble(network, MicrocksImage)


Asynchronous API support

Asynchronous API feature needs to be explicitly enabled as well. In case you want to use it for mocking purposes, you'll have to specify additional connection details to the broker of your choice.

To add a note indicating that it is not necessary to call WithAsyncFeature() when an additional method exists.

See an example below with connection to a Kafka broker:

MicrocksContainersEnsemble ensemble = new MicrocksContainerEnsemble(network, MicrocksImage)
    .WithKafkaConnection(new KafkaConnection($"kafka:19092"));

Using mock endpoints for your dependencies

Once started, the ensemble.AsyncMinionContainer provides methods for retrieving mock endpoint names for the different supported protocols (WebSocket, Kafka, etc. ...).

string kafkaTopic = ensemble.AsyncMinionContainer
    .GetKafkaMockTopic("Pastry orders API", "0.1.0", "SUBSCRIBE pastry/orders");
Launching new contract-tests

Using contract-testing techniques on Asynchronous endpoints may require a different style of interacting with the Microcks container. For example, you may need to:

  1. Start the test making Microcks listen to the target async endpoint,
  2. Activate your System Under Tests so that it produces an event,
  3. Finalize the Microcks tests and actually ensure you received one or many well-formed events.

For that the MicrocksContainer now provides a TestEndpointAsync(TestRequest request) method that actually returns a Task<TestResult>. Once invoked, you may trigger your application events and then await the future result to assert like this:

// Start the test, making Microcks listen the endpoint provided in testRequest
Task<TestResult> testResultFuture = ensemble.MicrocksContainer.TestEndpointAsync(testRequest);

// Here below: activate your app to make it produce events on this endpoint.
// myapp.InvokeBusinessMethodThatTriggerEvents();

// Now retrieve the final test result and assert.
TestResult testResult = await testResultFuture;


.NET lib for Testcontainers that enables embedding Microcks into your unit tests with lightweight, throwaway instance thanks to containers.




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