This organization holds experimental and archived repositories from the Open Microscopy Environment. You can find the official repositories under or the documentation under
Popular repositories Loading
bio-formats-matlab Public archive**Experimental** Bio-Formats Matlab and GNU Octave bindings
omero-py-alpine-docker PublicMinimal image based on Alpine Linux
Dockerfile 1
centos-systemd-jupyter-notebook PublicBase notebook for running bash in JupyterHub with a CentOS 7 System image
ome-sysops-notebooks PublicNotebooks with examples of managing the OME Kubernetes systems
Jupyter Notebook 1
idr0083-sars-cov2-notebook PublicAn example of reading a 13 gigapixel SARS-CoV-2 image (around 27 GB on disk) in Jupyter using Zarr
- bio-formats-imagej Public archive
**Experimental** Bio-Formats ImageJ plugin for image import and export
microscopepony/bio-formats-imagej’s past year of commit activity - staged-recipes Public Forked from conda-forge/staged-recipes
A place to submit conda recipes before they become fully fledged conda-forge feedstocks
microscopepony/staged-recipes’s past year of commit activity - idr0015-tara-oceans-geospatial Public
This notebook shows how to plot geospatial metadata attached to the samples gathered by the Tara Oceans project.
microscopepony/idr0015-tara-oceans-geospatial’s past year of commit activity - idr0083-sars-cov2-notebook Public
An example of reading a 13 gigapixel SARS-CoV-2 image (around 27 GB on disk) in Jupyter using Zarr
microscopepony/idr0083-sars-cov2-notebook’s past year of commit activity - idr-montage Public
microscopepony/idr-montage’s past year of commit activity