Quickly create static prototypes for GOV.UK.
Built using Jekyll.
Just create a new folder, named eg app-name
, then duplicate the root index.html
into it.
Configuration is easy, here's the only bit you need to edit:
layout: default
title: Prototype app
categories: Format
Set layout
to the template file you want to use - the default
one is just the header and footer from gov.uk. It currently pulls in CSS from the gov.uk CDN. So you can probably leave this alone.
Set title
to the name of the app you are building - it controls what appears as the main page title.
Set categories
to be whatever the gov.uk format might be - eg service
Then underneath just start shoving in the content of the prototype!
Just type jekyll --server
at the command line in the root folder.
(add &
at the end if you don't want to lock up your command line and are happy killing processes)
Then in your browser navigate to http://localhost:4000/[app-name]/index.html
(PS If it isn't working or can't find the files, try bundling - at the command line just type bundle
and let it run)
Needs Ruby 1.9.x (not installed by default on OS X 10.7, but GDS dev build includes it) & Jekyll
Follow this process to get up to speed:
After installing git and creating github account http://help.github.com/mac-set-up-git/
Update Ruby, easiest way was to follow the "Install Ruby 1.9" instructions on http://pragmaticstudio.com/blog/2010/9/23/install-rails-ruby-mac
Get the code
git clone git@github.com:alphagov/prototyping.git prototyping
to get a copy of the prototyping tool.
Finally install Jekyll and dependencies:
sudo gem install bundle bundle install
We have an instance of Heroku that you can push the prototyping app to, in order to share prototypes externally. It lives at http://govuk-prototyping.herokuapp.com
So you can push to Heroku from your own machine follow these steps:
- Sign up to Heroku
- Get invited into our Heroku instance as a contributor
- Install the Heroku toolbelt
- At the command line:
$ heroku login Enter your Heroku credentials. Email: adam@example.com Password: Could not find an existing public key. Would you like to generate one? [Yn] Generating new SSH public key. Uploading ssh public key /Users/adam/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
- Make sure you're in the repository, then enter
$ git remote add heroku git@heroku.com:govuk-prototyping.git
, which adds the Heroku instance as a remote server for the repo, so you can push to it - You can confirm this has worked by using
$ git remote
then checking you see:
origin heroku
- Then every time you updated and committed your latest work, you can push to Heroku with
$ git push heroku master
, make sure you have also pushed your changes to github to keep the two origins in sync - Finally, you can visit eg http://govuk-prototyping.herokuapp.com/licence-format/ to see your prototype
We might want to think about putting on a password at some point.
files will be converted to their .css
counterparts in the generated site. By default the Sass converter looks in /_includes/stylesheets
and /assets/toolkit/stylesheets
to resolve @import
If you want to use the GOV.UK Frontend Toolkit Sass, then add the repo as a submodule to /assets/toolkit
like this:
git submodule add git@github.com:alphagov/govuk_frontend_toolkit.git assets/toolkit
git submodule init
git submodule update
Finally, in order for .scss
conversion to work with Jekyll you'll need to start each .scss
file with empty YAML front matter.
If you find that you've created some useful and reusable styles in your prototype, share it with the rest of us by adding them as mixins to /_includes/scss/_prototyping-library.scss
By default the templates reference the unmerged assets in our preview environment. This helps with debugging and means you're always working with the latest version of the assets. However, there might be times when you need to work offline temporarily. To do this, add the following to the YAML front matter of the page you're working on:
assets: local
The page will now reference local copies of those assets (in /static
). Note - these local assets aren't synced in any way and will almost certainly be out date - which is why you should only use this as a temporary measure.