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Interactive Resume with Next.js and

The Interactive Resume can organize work history, positions, and projects within. Skills can be organized by duration of experience, and can be applied to projects.

Getting Started

Pulling to Local

To set up your own Interactive Resume, you can either fork your own copy of this repository, or check out this code locally and spin it up. The primary differences between the two options is how they're deployed (if you're deploying to Vercel).

Either way, you can always run the local utility npm run deploy:vercel to trigger a deployment to prod.

Installing Dependencies

  1. Ensure you have nvm installed:
  2. In the project root folder, run nvm use to run on the Node version defined in the .nvmrc file. If you don't already have that version installed, follow the steps to install with nvm.
  3. Run npm i to install dependencies.

Setting up Sanity to Host Content

  1. If you don't already have a free account, head over to and sign up. Then, create a new project.
  2. Copy the .env.example file to .env.local and update the values. NEXT_PUBLIC_SANITY_DATASET can stay as "production" unless you plan on using different environment name.
  3. Run npm run deploy:graphql to ensure your Sanity project's GraphQL endpoint is set up. After this command is run successfully, you should find a GraphQL endpoint in your terminal in a format like: https://[SANITY_PROJECT_ID][SANITY_DATASET]/default. Copy this value to SANITY_GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT in .env.local.
  4. If the date value in the URL differs from the value in NEXT_PUBLIC_SANITY_API_VERSION in .env.local, update the value in .env.local to match the date value from the URL (exclude the "v" prefix).
  5. Ensure you have localhost:3000 and your production/other domains listed in the CORS section of the Sanity API settings. If you're not allowing your domain to access, the GraphQL requests will be blocked.

Populate Data in Sanity

You can spin up locally with npm run dev, then visit http://localhost:3000/studio and sign in with your preferred credentials.

From there, visit the following pages to populate data:

-Theme Options: http://localhost:3000/studio/structure/themeOptions this is where you can set your name, title, location, and other global meta.

TODO (work in progress)

This project is a work in progress. To find planned features, visit the Issues page in GitHub.

Fetch Content from Sanity

After setting up Sanity and ensuring GraphQL is published, you an test out your GraphQL endpoint with Postman. I've set up an example collection that you can fork to test, or view the saved example responses.

Run In Postman

You need to ensure that the Environment value for {{GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT}} is set in Postman to test!

Running on Local

After dependencies are installed, GraphQL is deployed and environment variables are set, spin up the local server with npm run dev.

From here, populate your data in the Sanity Studio, then perform a full refresh in the local browser to view the changes.

Adding Analytics

This installation supports Google Tag Manager out of the box. Everything else can be configured within Google from there. If other platforms need to be supported, feel free to open a PR!

To support GTM, ensure that the GTM_ID value is populated in your environment.

Deploying to Vercel

To deploy your Interactive Resume to Vercel, first ensure you have an account and project set up in Vercel. If you forked the Interactive Resume repository, you can authenticate with GitHub and have it automatically deploy when you make changes to your main branch.

If you'd prefer to manually deploy and link projects, you can run the npm run deploy:vercel command.

The following environment variables will need to be set in Vercel to match what we're using in .env.local:


Optional values:

  • GTM_ID for Google Tag Manager.

Here is a live example:

Design Choices

You might wonder, "Why can't I edit data in the Sanity Studio and immediately see my changes in the front-end after refresh?"

Well, this installation is using Next.js to fetch and render the data on the initial page load only. After the page is rendered with SSR, the data is cached and saved. Refreshing the page will not re-fetch the data from the GraphQL endpoint. The reason I set it up this way is because the Sanity Free plan has a limit on API requests and data fetching. In an effort to stay well under the paid thresholds and keep usage in the free tier, the data is only fetched on the first render.

If you make changes in Sanity Studio and you want to ensure you can see the latest updates on production, you'll need to manually redeploy with npm run deploy:vercel, which will trigger a full rebuild and deployment.


If you run into issues setting this up or running it on local, please feel free to open an Issue in GitHub, or open a Pull Request if you have an idea or solution to share.