ExGDB - Extension for GDB
-- This has many methods to coding debug automation scriptExgdbCmd
-- This has many methods that can execute as gdb command
-- Customized read_int of pedaread_int_bytes(addr, intsize=None)
-- Read bytes as intsize listread_byte(addr, intsize=None)
-- Read one byteread_bytes(addr, size)
-- Read bytes as any size list- ... and all methods of peda and Pwngdb.
ctn, c
-- Execute continue command of gdbbrk, b <symbol>
-- Execute break command of gdbnext, n, [count]
-- Execute next command of gdbstep, s [count]
-- Execute step command of gdbnexti, ni [count]
-- Execute nexti command of gdbstepi, si [count]
-- Execute stepi command of gdbinfox <addr>
-- Customized xinfo command of pedapatch <addr> <value> [size]
-- Customized patch command of pedaparseheap
-- Customized parseheap command of Pwngdb- ... and all commands of peda and Pwngdb.
nextnow, nn <count>
-- Show instructions after now program-counterprevnow, pn <count>
-- Show instructions before now program-countergrep <command> <regex>
-- Grep command outputallstack
-- Show all stack datanuntil <regex>
-- Execute nexti command until given regexpsuntil <regex>
-- Execute stepi command until given regexpnextcalluntil <regex>
-- Execute nextcall command until given regexpstepcalluntil <regex>
-- Execute nextcall and step command until given regexp and given depthinfonow, inow
-- Show detail information of the instruction now specified program-countercontextmode <mode>
-- Set context mode (e.g.contextmode reg,code
,contextmode infonow
,contextmode memtrace,infonow
-- continue until leave from loophexpatch
-- hex patchstrpatch
-- string patchwordpatch
-- word patchradvance
-- regex advancerbreak
-- regex breakpointrtracepoint
-- regex tracepointtracepoint
$ git clone https://github.com/miyagaw61/exgdb ~/exgdb
$ ~/exgdb/install.sh
[EXECUTED] echo "export EXGDBPATH=/path/to/exgdb" | sudo tee -a ~/.bashrc
export EXGDBPATH=/path/to/exgdb
[EXECUTED] echo "export PATH=$PATH:$EXGDBPATH/bin" | sudo tee -a ~/.bashrc
export PATH=\$PATH:\$EXGDBPATH/bin
[EXECUTED] echo "source /path/to/exgdb/gdbinit.py" | sudo tee -a ~/.gdbinit
source /path/to/exgdb/gdbinit.py
[!] Please execute this command: source ~/.bashrc
[INFO] You can use exgdbctl command after executing above command.
$ source ~/.bashrc
You can use any path instead of ~/exgdb
$ exgdbctl install peda # git clone https://github.com/longld/peda.git $EXGDBPATH/plugins/peda
$ exgdbctl install Pwngdb # git clone https://github.com/scwuaptx/Pwngdb.git $EXGDBPATH/plugins/Pwngdb
$ exgdbctl install gdb-dashboard # git clone https://github.com/cyrus-and/gdb-dashboard.git $EXGDBPATH/plugins/gdb-dashboard
You have some example binaries.
$ exgdbctl install peda
$ exgdbctl install gdb-dashboard
$ cd rust-gdb-example
$ make hoge
$ ./hoge
$ gdb hoge
$ cargo build --example basic
$ ./target/debug/examples/basic
$ gdb ./target/debug/examples/basic -x gdbrc.py
$ gdb {any_binary}
gdb-peda$ start
gdb-peda$ contextmode infonow,code,stack
gdb-peda$ radvance call
gdb-peda$ grep 'pdisass' '.*call.*'
=> 0x402a2c: call 0x40db00
0x402a3b: call 0x402840 <setlocale@plt>
0x402a4a: call 0x4024b0 <bindtextdomain@plt>
0x402a54: call 0x402470 <textdomain@plt>
$ cat gdbrc.py
c.start() # c: ExgdbCmd(), e: Exgdb()
c.grep("pdisass", ".*call.*")
$ gdb {any_binary} -x gdbrc.py
=> 0x402a2c: call 0x40db00
0x402a3b: call 0x402840 <setlocale@plt>
0x402a4a: call 0x4024b0 <bindtextdomain@plt>
0x402a54: call 0x402470 <textdomain@plt>
$ gdb {any_binary}
gdb-peda$ start
gdb-peda$ contextmode infonow,code,stack
gdb-peda$ radvance call
gdb-peda$ edit tmp.py # You must have set `$EDITOR` . And you can use `vim` or `emacs` instead of `editor` .
gdb-peda$ cat tmp.py
c.grep("pdisass", ".*call.*")
gdb-peda$ source tmp.py
=> 0x402a2c: call 0x40db00
0x402a3b: call 0x402840 <setlocale@plt>
0x402a4a: call 0x4024b0 <bindtextdomain@plt>
0x402a54: call 0x402470 <textdomain@plt>
$ exgdbctl -h
exgdbctl <command> [args]
command: list
install <peda/Pwngdb/ANY PLUGIN URL>
delete <peda/Pwngdb/ANY PLUGIN NAME>
update <exgdb/peda/Pwngdb/ANY PLUGIN NAME>
enable <exgdb/peda/Pwngdb/ANY PLUGIN NAME>
disable <exgdb/peda/Pwngdb/ANY PLUGIN NAME>
show plugins information
$ exgdbctl list
exgdb: enabled
peda: not installed
Pwngdb: not installed
gdb-dashboard: not installed
You can install peda, Pwngdb and gdb-dashboard with only each plugin name.
$ exgdbctl install peda
Cloning into '/home/miyagaw61/src/github.com/miyagaw61/exgdb/plugins/peda'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 351, done.
remote: Total 351 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 351
Receiving objects: 100% (351/351), 279.51 KiB | 580.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (220/220), done.
[+]install successful
exgdb: enabled
peda: enabled
Pwngdb: not installed
gdb-dashboard: not installed
You can install any plugin from repository url
$ exgdbctl install https://github.com/miyagaw61/sample_plugin
Cloning into '/home/miyagaw61/src/github.com/miyagaw61/exgdb/plugins/sample_plugin'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 4, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (4/4), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
remote: Total 4 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (4/4), done.
[+]install successful
exgdb: enabled
peda: enabled
Pwngdb: not installed
gdb-dashboard: not installed
sample_plugin: enabled
delete a plugin
$ exgdbctl delete sample_plugin
[+]deleting /home/miyagaw61/src/github.com/miyagaw61/exgdb/plugins/sample_plugin
[+]delete successful
exgdb: enabled
peda: enabled
Pwngdb: not installed
gdb-dashboard: not installed
disable a plugin
$ exgdbctl disable peda
[+]disabled peda
exgdb: enabled
peda: disabled
Pwngdb: not installed
gdb-dashboard: not installed
enable a plugin
$ exgdbctl enable peda
[+]enabled peda
exgdb: enabled
peda: enabled
Pwngdb: not installed
gdb-dashboard: not installed
You need "{any name}.py" (or gdb script like ".gdbinit") and "export_to_exgdb.py".
- {any name}.py
- main (top) script of your plugin
- You can prepare gdb script like ".gdbinit" instead of python script.
- export_to_exgdb.py
- import (setattr) your functions to Exgdb or ExgdbCmd
- You don't have to understand this script. You only have to try imitating this sample.
$ pwd
$ ls
myplugin.py export_to_exgdb.py
$ cat export_to_exgdb.py
cmds = [cmd for cmd in dir(MyPlugin) if callable(getattr(MyPlugin, cmd))]
for cmd in cmds:
if not cmd.startswith("_"):
cmd_obj = getattr(MyPlugin, cmd)
setattr(ExgdbCmd, cmd, cmd_obj)
$ git remote -v
$ git push origin master
$ exgdbctl install https://github.com/username/myplugin.git
[+]install successful
exgdb: enabled
peda: enabled
Pwngdb: enabled
gdb-dashboard: enabled
myplugin: enabled
$ cat $EXGDBPATH/gdbinit.py
exgdb_is_enabled = os.path.exists("%s/exgdb.py" % exgdbpath)
peda_is_enabled = os.path.exists("%s/peda" % pluginpath)
pwngdb_is_enabled = os.path.exists("%s/Pwngdb" % pluginpath)
dashboard_is_enabled = os.path.exists("%s/gdb-dashboard" % pluginpath)
#yourplugin_is_enabled = os.path.exists("%s/yourplugin" % pluginpath)
if peda_is_enabled:
__file__ = "%s/peda/peda.py" % pluginpath
gdb.execute("source %s/peda/peda.py" % pluginpath)
if pwngdb_is_enabled:
sys.path.insert(0, "%s/Pwngdb/angelheap" % pluginpath)
gdb.execute("source %s/Pwngdb/pwngdb.py" % pluginpath)
gdb.execute("source %s/Pwngdb/angelheap/gdbinit.py" % pluginpath)
gdb.execute("source %s/Pwngdb/angelheap/command_wrapper.py" % pluginpath)
gdb.execute("source %s/Pwngdb/angelheap/angelheap.py" % pluginpath)
if dashboard_is_enabled:
gdb.execute("source %s/gdb-dashboard/.gdbinit" % pluginpath)
#if yourplugin_is_enabled:
# gdb.execute("source %s/yourplugin/gdbinit.py" % pluginpath)
$ vim $EXGDBPATH/gdbinit.py
$ cat $EXGDBPATH/gdbinit.py
exgdb_is_enabled = os.path.exists("%s/exgdb.py" % exgdbpath)
peda_is_enabled = os.path.exists("%s/peda" % pluginpath)
pwngdb_is_enabled = os.path.exists("%s/Pwngdb" % pluginpath)
dashboard_is_enabled = os.path.exists("%s/gdb-dashboard" % pluginpath)
myplugin_is_enabled = os.path.exists("%s/myplugin" % pluginpath)
if peda_is_enabled:
__file__ = "%s/peda/peda.py" % pluginpath
gdb.execute("source %s/peda/peda.py" % pluginpath)
if pwngdb_is_enabled:
sys.path.insert(0, "%s/Pwngdb/angelheap" % pluginpath)
gdb.execute("source %s/Pwngdb/pwngdb.py" % pluginpath)
gdb.execute("source %s/Pwngdb/angelheap/gdbinit.py" % pluginpath)
gdb.execute("source %s/Pwngdb/angelheap/command_wrapper.py" % pluginpath)
gdb.execute("source %s/Pwngdb/angelheap/angelheap.py" % pluginpath)
if dashboard_is_enabled:
gdb.execute("source %s/gdb-dashboard/.gdbinit" % pluginpath)
if myplugin_is_enabled:
gdb.execute("source %s/myplugin/myplugin.py" % pluginpath)
You can issue Pull Request like this patch.
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