is a single-file python3 script with no dependencies except
the Python3 standard library.
It will run a program/procedure iterating over a list of and while collecting execution time and printing a nice tabular output at the end.
For example, say you want to benchmark compression tool bzip2 vs pbzip2: You would have = bzip2, lbzip2 and could be a list of filenames to compress.
Below is shown the output of running the included example (console output is actually colored). The included example works also as a template for your own benchmarks.
Iterating over stages: 1-lbzip2 2-pigz 3-gzip 4-bzip2
Iterating over items: /usr/lib/gcc /lib/python3 /usr/lib/firmware
Running global init
Writing progress info to /tmp/benchmark-ab/benchmark-ab-example/progress.txt
Track it with: tail -F /tmp/benchmark-ab/benchmark-ab-example/progress.txt
lbzip2 installed OK
pigz installed OK
gzip installed OK
bzip2 installed OK
Running init once per <item>
Running init for /usr/lib/gcc
Running init for /lib/python3
Running init for /usr/lib/firmware
Running main benchmark loop
[ 1/12] Executing stage '1-lbzip2' with item '/usr/lib/gcc'
[ 2/12] Executing stage '2-pigz' with item '/usr/lib/gcc'
[ 3/12] Executing stage '3-gzip' with item '/usr/lib/gcc'
[ 4/12] Executing stage '4-bzip2' with item '/usr/lib/gcc'
CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 7900 12-Core Processor, 24 cores/threads
Initialization execution time:
init_once 0.0
init_item /usr/lib/gcc 0.0
init_item /lib/python3 0.0
init_item /usr/lib/firmware 0.0
Main loop execution time results:
1-lbzip2 2-pigz 3-gzip 4-bzip2
Name time exit cpu time exit cpu rel time exit cpu rel time exit cpu rel
/usr/lib/gcc 0.8 0 95 0.6 0 97 0.73 4.5 0 15 5.55 9.1 0 15 11.16
lib/python3 0.3 0 82 0.2 0 95 0.64 1.5 0 14 4.80 2.5 0 14 8.15
/usr/lib/firmware 4.4 0 99 3.1 0 92 0.71 22.0 0 15 5.00 53.7 0 33 12.22
Processed 3 items over 4 stages in 0s
Running gnuplot:
gnuplot -e 'OUTFILE="/tmp/benchmark-ab/benchmark-ab-example/result-histogram.png"; INFILE="/tmp/benchmark-ab/benchmark-ab-example/result-time.dat"' histogram.plt
GNUplot generated histogram plot in /tmp/benchmark-ab/benchmark-ab-example/result-histogram.png
Output files are in /tmp/benchmark-ab/benchmark-ab-example
result.txt is textual/human-readable results file
result-time.dat is raw/final results file (used for plotting)
result-histogram is histogram plot of final result
Additionally, the following histogram plot is generated:
Install with:
pip install git+