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UIEffect is an open-source package that allows you to intuitively apply rich UI effects directly from the Inspector or via code. Combine various filters, such as grayscale, blur, and dissolve, to decorate your UI with a unique visual style!


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logo UIEffect v5

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<< 📝 Description | 📌 Key Features | 🎮 Demo | ⚙ Installation | 🔄 Upgrading from v4 to v5 | 🚀 Usage | 🤝 Contributing >>

⚠️ This README is for v5. For v4, please visit here.

📝 Description

"Decorate your UI, simply and powerfully."
UIEffect is an open-source package that allows you to intuitively apply rich Unity UI effects directly from the Inspector or via code.
Combine various filters, such as grayscale, blur, and dissolve, to decorate your UI with a unique visual style!

📌 Key Features

  • UIEffect is out-of-the-box!: Easily apply effects by adjusting parameters directly in the inspector.
  • Rich effect combinations: Decorate your UI with a variety of effects, such as grayscale, blur, and dissolve, by combining multiple filters and parameters.
  • Efficient shader builds: Only the shader variants in use are built, resulting in shorter build times.
  • URP/HDRP/VR support: Compatible with URP, HDRP, and VR environments.
  • Runtime and editor presets: Presets are available both at runtime and in the editor.
  • TextMeshPro support: Supports TextMeshPro, including <font> and <sprite> tags.
  • UIEffectReplica Component: Duplicate effects and apply them to multiple UI elements at once.
  • UIEffectTweener Component: A simple tweener component to play, stop, pause, and resume effects.
  • AnimationClip support: Allows control of effect animations using AnimationClips.
  • v4 compatible components (optional): For easy upgrading with minimal changes, compatible v4 components are available optionally.

🎮 Demo

WebGL Demo

⚙ Installation

This package requires Unity 2020.3 or later.

Install via OpenUPM

  • This package is available on OpenUPM package registry.
  • This is the preferred method of installation, as you can easily receive updates as they're released.
  • If you have openupm-cli installed, then run the following command in your project's directory:
    openupm add
  • To update the package, use Package Manager UI (Window > Package Manager) or run the following command with @{version}:
    openupm add

Install via UPM (with Package Manager UI)

  • Click Window > Package Manager to open Package Manager UI.
  • Click + > Add package from git URL... and input the repository URL:
  • To update the package, change suffix #{version} to the target version.
    • e.g.

Install via UPM (Manually)

  • Open the Packages/manifest.json file in your project. Then add this package somewhere in the dependencies block:

      "dependencies": {
        "": "",
  • To update the package, change suffix #{version} to the target version.

    • e.g. "": "",

Install as Embedded Package

  1. Download the Source code (zip) file from Releases and extract it.
  2. Move the <extracted_dir>/Packages/src directory into your project's Packages directory.
    • You can rename the src directory if needed.
    • If you intend to fix bugs or add features, installing it as an embedded package is recommended.
    • To update the package, re-download it and replace the existing contents.

Import Additional Resources

Additional resources can be imported to extend functionality.

🔄 Upgrading from v4 to v5

If upgrading from UIEffect v4 to v5, note the following breaking changes:

  1. If you are installing via git URL, add ?path=Packages/src. The default branch is changed upm to main.

    // v4
    "": "",
    "": "",
    // v5
    "": "",
  2. Import the v4 Compatible Components sample from the Package Manager window.

  3. All v4 components are obsolete.

  • v4 UIEffect component is now UIEffectV4 component. Change the reference in the code.
  • The effectArea property in some components are not supported in v5.
  • UIShadow, UIGradient, UIFlip components are not supported in v5.
  • v4 components can be converted to v5 UIEffect component by selecting Convert To UIEffect from the context menu.

🚀 Usage

Getting Started

  1. Install the package.

  2. Add a UIEffect component to a UI element (Image, RawImage, Text, TextMeshProUGUI, etc...) from the Add Component in the inspector or Component > UI > UIEffect menu.

  3. Adjust the effect filters and parameters in the inspector.

  4. Enjoy!

Component: UIEffect

The UIEffect component applies visual effects to UI elements, allowing various effects to be achieved by combining multiple filters.

Tone Filter

  • Tone Filter: None, Grayscale, Sepia, Nega, Retro, Posterize
  • Tone Intensity: 0.0 (no effect) - 1.0 (full effect).

Color Filter

  • Color Filter: None, Multiply, Additive, Subtractive, Replace, Multiply Luminance, Multiply Additive, Hsv Modifier, Contrast
  • Color Intensity: 0.0 (no effect) - 1.0 (full effect).
  • Color Glow: Set the color to glow.

Sampling Filter

  • Sampling Filter: None, Blur Fast, Blur Medium, Blur Detail, Pixelation, Rgb Shift, Edge Luminescence, Edge Alpha
  • Sampling Intensity: 0.0 (no effect) - 1.0 (full effect).
  • Sampling Width: The width of the sampling effect.

Transition Filter

  • Transition Filter: None, Fade, Cutoff, Dissolve, Shiny, Mask, Melt, Burn, Pattern
  • Transition Rate: 0.0 (no effect) - 1.0 (full effect).
  • Transition Tex: The texture used for the transition filter.- Transition Width: The width where the transition color is applied.
  • Transition Width: The width where the transition color is applied.
  • Transition Pattern Range: The range of the pattern.
  • Transition Pattern Reverse: Reverse the pattern.
  • Transition Softness: The softness of the boundary for the transition color.
  • Transition Color Filter: Specifies the transition color.
    • Transition Color: The color of the transition.
    • Transition Color Glow: Set the transition color to glow.
  • Transition Auto Play Speed: The speed of the transition animation. You can use this property to loop the TransitionRate without tweener or animation.

Target Mode

  • Target Mode: None, Hue, Luminance
    • Restricts the effect application area based on hue or luminance.
  • Target Range: The range of target hue or luminance.
  • Target Softness: The softness of the target boundary.

Blend Type

  • Blend Type: Alpha Blend, Multiply, Additive, Soft Additive, Multiply Additive, Custom
    • Custom blend type can be set using the SrcBlend and DstBlend properties.

Shadow Mode

  • Shadow Mode: None, Shadow, Shadow3, Outline, Outline8, Mirror
  • Shadow Distance: Distance of the shadow or outline.
  • Shadow Iteration: Number of times the shadow or outline is applied.
  • Shadow Color Filter: Specifies the shadow color.
    • Shadow Color: The color of the shadow.
    • Shadow Color Glow: Set the shadow color to glow.
  • Shadow Fade: Alpha value of the shadow or outline.
  • Shadow Blur Intensity: Intensity of the shadow or outline blur.
  • Mirror Reflection: Distance of the mirrored image.
  • Mirror Offset: Offset for the mirrored image.
  • Mirror Scale: Scale of the mirrored image.

Gradation Mode

  • Gradation Mode: None, Plain, Shiny
  • Gradation Gradient: The gradient of the gradation.
  • Gradation Color 1: The first color of the gradation.
  • Gradation Color 2: The second color of the gradation.
  • Gradation Offset: The offset of the gradation range.
  • Gradation Scale: The scale of the gradation range.
  • Gradation Rotation: The rotation of the gradation range.


Horizontal Gradient and Vertical Gradient divide the mesh horizontally or vertically and apply a gradient. This is very fast but only supports Full Rect.
Angle Gradient divides the mesh at the specified angle and applies a gradient.
It can be applied to meshes other than Full Rect because it applies the gradient according to the original mesh shape.
Gradation Gradient has two modes, Blend and Fixed.

Edge Mode

  • Edge Mode: None, Plain, Shiny
  • Edge Width: The width of the edge.
  • Edge Color Filter: Specifies the edge color.
    • Edge Color: The color of the edge.
  • Edge Shiny Width: The width of the edge shiny.
  • Edge Shiny Auto Play Speed: The speed of the edge shiny.


  • Sampling Scale: The referencing scale during sampling.
    • Larger values are suitable for high-resolution textures.
  • Allow To Modify Mesh Shape: If enabled, the mesh shape can be modified.

Component: UIEffectTweener

The UIEffectTweener component animates the effect, enabling easy control over effect animations without the need for an AnimationClip.

  • Culling Mask: Tone, Color, Sampling, Transition
  • Direction: Forward (0.0 -> 1.0), Reverse (1.0 -> 0.0)
  • Curve: The curve of the animation.
  • Delay: The delay time before starting the animation.
  • Duration: The duration of the animation.
  • Interval: The interval time between the animation.
  • Play On Enable: None, Forward, Reverse, Keep Direction
    • Play the animation automatically when the component is enabled.
    • If None is selected, the animation will not play automatically. You can play it using the Play, PlayForward or PlayReverse method.
  • Reset Time On Enable: Reset the tweening time when the component is enabled.
  • Wrap Mode: Once, Loop, PingPongOnce, PingPongLoop
  • Update Mode: Normal, UnscaledTime, Manual
  • On Complete: A event that is triggered when the animation is completed.

You can preview the animation using the seek bar and play button.

Component: UIEffectReplica

The UIEffectReplica component applies visual effects to UI elements by replicating the settings of another UIEffect component. This allows the same effect to be applied across multiple UI elements simultaneously.

  • Target: The target UIEffect component to replicate.
  • Use Target Transform: Use the target's transform for some effects.
  • Sampling Scale: Override the sampling scale.
  • Allow To Modify Mesh Shape: If enabled, the mesh shape can be modified.

Usage with TextMeshPro

To use UIEffect with TextMeshPro, you need to import additional resources.
When a shader included in the samples is requested, an import dialog will automatically appear.
Click the Import button.

Alternatively, you can manually import the resources by following these steps:

  1. First, you must import TMP Essential Resources before using.

  2. Open the Package Manager window and select the UI Effect package in the package list and click the TextMeshPro Support > Import button.
    ⚠️ If you are using Unity 2023.2/6000.0+ or TextMeshPro 3.2/4.0+, click the TextMeshPro Support (Unity 6) > Import button instead.

  3. The assets will be imported under Assets/Samples/UI Effect/{version}.

  4. Add the UIEffect component to a TextMeshProUGUI element and adjust the effect settings. The <font> and <sprite> tags are also supported.


TextMeshPro Support may change with updates to the UIEffect package.
If issues occur, try importing it again.

Runtime/Editor Preset for UIEffect

You can create and use presets for UIEffect components.

  • In the UIEffect component inspector, click "Save As" button to save the current settings as an editor preset.
  • Click "Load" button to apply an editor preset.
  • In the Project Settings, you can register saved editor presets as runtime presets.
  • Runtime presets can be loaded using the UIEffect.LoadPreset(presetName) method.


Editor presets are saved in the UIEffectPresets directory. You can also create subdirectories to customize the preset menu.

Usage with Code

You can control the effect settings and animations via code.

var effect = graphic.AddComponent<UIEffect>();

// Apply a preset

// Set the effect parameters
effect.transitionWidth = 0.1f;
effect.transitionColor =;

// Add a tweener
var tweener = graphic.AddComponent<UIEffectTweener>();
tweener.cullingMask = UICullingMask.Tone;
tweener.wrapMode = UIWrapMode.PingPongLoop;

// Warm up the shader variant collection.

Project Settings

You can adjust the project-wide settings for UIEffect. (Edit > Project Settings > UI > UIEffect)


  • Transform Sensitivity: Low, Medium, High
    • Set the sensitivity of the transformation when Use Target Transform is enabled in UIEffectReplica component.
  • Runtime Presets: A list of presets that can be loaded at runtime. Load them using UIEffect.LoadPreset(presetName) method.


  • Use HDR Color Picker: If enabled, the HDR color picker will be used in the inspector.


  • Optional Shaders (UIEffect): A list of shaders that will be prioritized when a ui-effect shader is requested.
    • If the shader is included in the list, that shader will be used.
    • If it is not in the list, the following shaders will be used in order:
      • If the shader name contains (UIEffect), that shader will be used.
      • If Hidden/<shader_name> (UIEffect) exists, that shader will be used.
      • As a fallback, UI/Default (UIEffect) will be used.
  • Registered Variants: A list of shader variants available at runtime. Use "-" button to remove unused variants, reducing build time and file size.
    • By default, the used ui-effect shaders will be included in the build. You can remove them if you don't need.
  • Unregistered Variants: A list of shader variants that are not registered. Use "+" button to add variants.
  • Error On Unregistered Variant: If enabled, an error will be displayed when an unregistered shader variant is used.
    • The shader variant will be automatically added to the Unregistered Variants list.

⚠️ Limitations

Here are the limitations of UIEffect:

  • Shader variants used at runtime must be registered in the Project Settings.
  • When using UIEffect with TextMeshProUGUI, SamplingFilter.BlurMedium and SamplingFilter.BlurDetail are not supported due to performance considerations.
    • These will automatically fall back to SamplingFilter.BlurFast.
  • UIEffect supports default UI components (Image, RawImage, Text) and TextMeshProUGUI.
    • If you want to use UIEffect with other components, create a issue or pull request.

🤝 Contributing


Issues are incredibly valuable to this project:

  • Ideas provide a valuable source of contributions that others can make.
  • Problems help identify areas where this project needs improvement.
  • Questions indicate where contributors can enhance the user experience.

Pull Requests

Pull requests offer a fantastic way to contribute your ideas to this repository.
Please refer to and use develop branch for development.


This is an open-source project developed during my spare time.
If you appreciate it, consider supporting me.
Your support allows me to dedicate more time to development. 😊


  • MIT
  • © UTJ/UCL


See Also


UIEffect is an open-source package that allows you to intuitively apply rich UI effects directly from the Inspector or via code. Combine various filters, such as grayscale, blur, and dissolve, to decorate your UI with a unique visual style!




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