title |
Readme |
A one-dimensional discrete-ordinates neutron transport code written in Fortran, with diamond-difference and linear- discontinuous variants.
- GFortran
- Matplotlib
- Jupyter
- Doxygen
- Graphviz
- LaTeX
- ghp-import (optional, to push documentation to GitHub Pages)
- Docker (optional)
To build and run the tests:
make tests # Diamond-difference version
make testl # Linear-discontinuous version
Do a make clean
when switching between versions.
To build the documentation:
make -C docs html
open docs/html/index.html
To clean up intermediate build files etc.:
make clean
To create the Docker build (used in GitHub to build and run the tests):
docker build -t snes .
Run the Jupyter notebook to plot the results:
jupyter notebook verification.ipynb