enables developers to write test assertions for data in tables
using a simple fluent interface.
Assertion errors are shown in an IDE-friendly way. The screenshot above demonstrates how IntelliJ IDEA highlights the differences between the actual and expected tables in the sample test.
public void test() {
Tab actual = Turntables.tab()
.row("Elise", 1)
.row("Bob", 2);
.row(1, "Alice")
.row(2, "Bob")
integrates with JUnit
to help developers set up initial test data
in tables:
public TestDataSource testDataSource = TestDataFactory.jdbc(
"jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydb", "testuser", "str0ngPA55word!");
@TestTable(name = "employees", cleanUpAction = CleanUpAction.DROP)
public Tab testTab = Turntables.tab()
.row(1, "Alice")
.row(2, "Bob");
Use the table name in test methods to get its contents for assertions.
Tab actual = testDataSource.ingest("employees");
For a complete example with MySQL, see ITMySql.java.
For Oracle, see: ITOracle.java.
Turntables's main power and difference from AssertJ-DB is the ability to match whole table contents at once using specific rules (e.g. match rows by key or match columns by name) and to present to the developer only the difference that matters for the assertion.
As a result, less code must be written for tests and it's easier to find bugs.
Turntables extends AssertJ and you'll need both dependencies.
The above example uses a MySQL 8 dependency. If you use Turntables with another JDBC database, see JDBC for additional dependencies.
A quick build skipping integration tests:
./mvnw clean package
Integration tests use Docker.
The Oracle test is containerized using the image quillbuilduser/oracle-18-xe
- Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/quillbuilduser/oracle-18-xe
- Source: https://github.com/deusaquilus/docker-oracle-xe
Image size is 13GB at the time of writing this, so it's advisable to download it beforehand.
Build with integration tests:
docker run --rm -itd --name oracle -p 1521:1521 quillbuilduser/oracle-18-xe
docker run --rm -itd --name mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=tiger -e MYSQL_DATABASE=testdb -p 3306:3306 mysql:8.0.22
( docker logs -f mysql & ) | grep -m1 'MY-010931'
( docker logs -f oracle & ) | grep -m1 'DATABASE IS READY TO USE!'
./mvnw clean verify || true
docker stop oracle 2>/dev/null || true
docker stop mysql 2>/dev/null || true