An example repo containing a Todo application and exercise files to get started and/or increase your knowledge with Cypress. This was originally forked from Cypress' testing-workshop-cypress repo.
- Any computer: Mac, Windows, Linux
- Text Editor or IDE of choice (preferably VS Code)
- Node 12.0.0+ (LTS)
- git
- CircleCI account
In order to get the code and install dependencies
git clone
cd testing-workshop-cypress
npm install
If necessary, install dependencies inside TodoMVC folder
cd todomvc
npm install
cd todomvc
npm start
and you should see in the terminal
> json-server --static . data.json --middlewares ./node_modules/json-server-reset
\{^_^}/ hi!
Loading data.json
Loading ./node_modules/json-server-reset
Open another terminal window and then type
npm run cy:open
If you want to view the slides locally, open another terminal window and then type
npm run slides:build
npm run slides:dev
Huge thanks to the Cypress team especially the code contributors for creating a workshop template 🎉