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Lisa is a production rule system for Common Lisp, whose purpose is to provide a foundation for the development of "intelligent" applications. Lisa employs a modern CLOS implementation of Rete and is based on CLIPS and Jess.


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This is a fork of the LISA system by David E. Young from

Some comments at the end of this README ..

The LISA Reference Guide

This guide describes in detail the programming interface to LISA. It is not a treatise on production-rule technology; readers are assumed to have a working knowledge of rule-based systems and their development. This document also avoids any detailed description of LISA's implementation of the Rete algorithm; perhaps at some future date I'll make an attempt.

Abbreviated Table of Contents

I. The Programming Language

This section describes the publicly-available operators in the LISA language, separated into various categories:

Fact-Related Operators

Language elements dealing with facts.

Rule-Related Operators

Language elements dealing with rules.

CLOS-Related Operators

Language elements dealing with CLOS instances.

Engine-Related Operators

Language elements dealing with operations on an inference engine.

Environment-Related Operators

Language elements dealing with the LISA environment.

Debugging-Related Operators

Language elements useful during system development.

Fact-Related Operators

(deftemplate name () (slot-name*)) Macro
Creates an internal LISA class identified by name that can be instantiated as a fact within the knowledge base. The slot-names are analogous to class slots, but without any of the keyword arguments. Templates are a convenient way of specifying concepts that don't need the full support of CLOS, but frankly they're really only in place to ease the transition from CLIPS and Jess.
(defimport class-name) Macro
A convenience macro that imports the symbols associated with a class into whatever LISA-related package the developer wishes. The symbols imported reflect the name of the class name and all of its immediate slots. If taxonomic reasoning is enabled, then the class's ancestors are imported as well.
(deffacts deffact-name (key*) fact-list*) Macro
Registers a list of facts that will be automatically inserted into the knowledge base upon each RESET. The deffact-name is the symbolic name that will be attached to this group of facts; fact-list is a list of fact specifiers. The format of each fact specifier is identical to that found in an ASSERT form, minus the assert keyword. There are currently no supported keywords for this macro.
(assert (fact-specifier)) Macro

Inserts a fact identified by fact-specifier into the knowledge base. There are two forms of ASSERT; the first operates on template-based facts, the other on CLOS instances. For templates, ASSERT takes a symbol representing the name of the template, followed by a list of (slot-name value) pairs:

(assert (frodo (name frodo) (age 100))

If the template associated with a fact has not been declared prior to its assertion, LISA will signal a continuable error.

For instances of user-defined classes, ASSERT takes a form that must evaluate to a CLOS instance:

(assert ((make-instance 'frodo :name 'frodo :age 100)))


(let ((?instance (make-instance 'frodo :name 'frodo)))

    (assert (?instance)))


(defun add-my-instance (frodo-object)
  (assert (#?frodo-object)))

This last example makes use of the #? reader macro, which LISA offers as a user-customisable feature. It's simply a short-hand notation for (identity frodo-object).

(retract fact-or-instance) Function
Removes a fact or instance from the knowledge base. In the case of a template-based fact, fact-or-instance may be either a symbol representing the name of the fact, or an integer mapping to the fact identifier; for CLOS objects fact-or-instance must be an instance of STANDARD-OBJECT.
(assert-instance instance) Function
Inserts a CLOS instance into the knowledge base.
(retract-instance instance) Function
Removes a CLOS instance from the knowledge base.
(modify fact (slot-name value)*) Macro
Makes changes to the fact instance identified by fact. Affected slots and their new values are specified by (slot-name value). Note that value can be an arbitrary Lisp expression that will be evaluated at execution time.

Rule-Related Operators

(defrule name (key*) pattern* => action*) Macro

Creates a rule identified by name and compiles it into the Rete network. Name is any Lisp form that evaluates to a symbol. The keyword arguments modify the rule as follows:

:salience integer
Assigns a priority to the rule that will affect the firing order. The salience value is a small integer in the range (-250, 250). By default, all rules have salience 0.
:context name
Binds the rule to a context identified by the symbol name. The context must have been previously defined, or LISA will signal an error.
:auto-focus t
Identifies the rule as requiring "auto focus" behavior. This means that whenever the rule is activated, its context will be made the active context after the rule firing completes.

If the rule identified by name already exists in the Rete network it is replaced by the new definition.


Each rule consists of zero or more patterns, or Conditional Elements (CEs). Collectively these patterns are known as the rule's Left Hand Side (LHS), and are the entities that participate in the pattern-matching process. LISA currently defines three pattern types:

generic pattern

This pattern type matches against facts in the knowledge base. The head of the pattern matches equivalently-named facts; the pattern body is optionally composed of slot-names, values, variables and predicates. The best way to understand these things is to look at some examples:

The simplest type of pattern. This example will match any fact of class simple-pattern.
(goal-is-to (action unlock))
This pattern matches facts of class goal-is-to. In addition, it specifies that the slot named action must have as its value the symbol unlock.
(thing (name ?chest) (on-top-of (not floor)))
A bit more interesting. Matches facts of class thing; assuming this is the first appearance of the variable ?chest, binds it to the value of the slot name; specifies that the slot on-top-of should not have as its value the symbol floor.
(?monkey (monkey (holding ?chest)))
Assuming the variable ?chest was bound in a previous pattern, matches facts of class monkey whose slot holding has the same value as ?chest. Additionally, if the pattern is successfully matched, binds the fact object to the variable ?monkey. The variable ?monkey is called a pattern binding.
(pump (flow-rate ?flow-rate (< ?flow-rate 25)))
More interesting still. This pattern matches facts of class pump, and binds the value of the slot flow-rate to the variable ?flow-rate. In addition, there is a constraint on this slot declaring that the value of ?flow-rate must be less than 25. In general, constraints can be arbitrary Lisp expressions that serve as predicates.
(fact-with-list (list '(1 2 three)))
Patterns can perform matching on lists as well as simpler data types. Here, the slot list must have the value '(1 2 three). More complicated list analysis can be done using user-defined predicates.
negated pattern

This pattern type is the complement of most variations of the generic pattern. Negated patterns have the symbol not as their head, and match if a fact satisfying the pattern is not found. For example:

(not (tank-level-warning (tank ?tank) (type low)))

Note that negated patterns are not allowed to have pattern bindings.

test pattern

The test conditional element allows one to evaluate arbitrary Lisp code on the rule LHS; these Lisp forms serve as a predicate that determines whether or not the pattern will match. For example, the pattern

(test (and (high-p ?tank) (intact-p ?tank)))

will succeed if the AND form returns non-nil; i.e. the functions HIGH-P and INTACT-P both return non-nil values.

or pattern

The or conditional element collects any number of patterns into a logical group, and matches if any of the patterns inside the or match. If more than one of the sub-patterns matches, the or group matches more than once. LISA implements a rule containing an or CE as a collection of related rules, with each rule representing exactly one branch. For example, given the following DEFRULE form:

(defrule frodo ()


    (or (bilbo)




LISA will generate two rules into the rete network, a primary rule and a single sub-rule:

frodo: (frodo), (bilbo), (samwise)
frodo~1: (frodo), (gandalf), (samwise)

Notice that LISA separates the example DEFRULE into the primary rule frodo, and a single sub-rule, frodo~1. LISA maintains the relationship between a primary rule and its sub-rules; if a primary rule is removed, every related sub-rule is also eliminated.

logical pattern

The logical conditional element implements LISA's notion of truth maintenance. Patterns appearing within a LOGICAL form in a rule are conditionally bound to facts asserted from that rule's RHS. If during inferencing one or more logical facts are retracted (or asserted in the case of negated patterns), all facts bound to those logical facts are retracted. Here's an example:

(defrule frodo ()



      (not (gandalf)))



(assert (pippin)))

When rule FRODO fires, it asserts a PIPPIN fact that is dependent on the existence of BILBO and the absence of GANDALF. If either BILBO is retracted or GANDALF asserted, PIPPIN will be removed as a consequence.

A LOGICAL conditional element must be the first pattern in a rule. Multiple LOGICAL forms within the same rule are allowed, but they must be contiguous.

NB: A rule beginning with the LOGICAL conditional element implicitly matches the INITIAL-FACT; thus, in order for rules employing truth maintenance to function correctly, a RESET must be always be performed prior to any operation affecting working memory. LISA's behavior is undefined otherwise.

exists pattern

The EXISTS conditional element performs an existential test on a pattern. The pattern will match exactly once, even if there are many facts that might satisfy it. For example, this rule:

(defrule frodo ()
    (exists (frodo (has-ring t)))

will activate just once if there is at least one FRODO fact whose HAS-RING slot has the value T.

The initial fact

If a rule provides no conditional elements, then it is said to match the initial-fact, which is asserted as the result of a call to reset. Thus, the following rule will always activate after each reset:

(defrule always-fires ()


   (format t "always-fires fired!~%"))

CLOS instances

Every fact asserted into working memory is backed by a corresponding CLOS instance. In the case of DEFTEMPLATEs, LISA creates an internal class mirroring the template; user-defined class instances are simply bound to a fact during assertions. Instances associated with facts are accessible on rule LHSs via the :OBJECT special slot:

(tank (name ?name) (:object  ?tank-object))

Once bound, method and function calls can be made on this object from the rule's LHS and RHS.

When reasoning over CLOS objects, LISA is capable of considering an instance's object hierarchy during pattern matching. In other words, it is possible to write rules that apply to many facts that share a common ancestry. The following code fragment provides an example:

(defclass fundamental () ())

(defclass rocky (fundamental) ())

(defclass boris (fundamental) ())

(defrule cleanup (:salience -100)

    (?fact (fundamental))


    (retract ?fact))

The rule cleanup will fire for every instance of rocky and boris in the knowledge base, retracting each in turn. Note that taxonomic reasoning is disabled by default. To use the feature, evaluate (setf (lisa:consider-taxonomy) t).


Following any conditional elements are the rule's actions, if any. Collectively known as the Right Hand Side (RHS), actions consist of arbitrary Lisp forms. All variables declared on the LHS are available, along with the special operator engine, which evaluates to the rule's inference engine object. Currently, each rule's RHS is given to the Lisp compiler during rule compilation, and executes within a special lexical environment established by LISA for each firing.

(undefrule rule-name) Macro
Undefines, or removes, a rule from the Rete network. Rule-name is a symbol representing the name of the rule. If rule-name is not qualified with a context name (e.g. context.rulename), then the Initial Context is assumed.

CLOS-Related Operators

There are a few special features that LISA provides for keeping CLOS instances synchronised with their corresponding facts in working memory. If an instance is altered outside of LISA's control, then LISA must somehow be informed of the change to maintain working memory consistency. The basic mechanism is manual notification, in which an application explicitly invokes a special function to initiate synchronisation. Users of the two commercial Lisps supported by LISA also have the option of employing Auto Notification, an experimental feature that removes the burden of synchronisation from the application.

(mark-instance-as-changed instance &key slot-name) Function
Notifies LISA that a change has been made to instance outside of the knowledge-base (i.e. not via the modify operator), and synchronizes the instance with its associated fact. Slot-name is either the symbolic name of a slot belonging to instance that has changed value, or NIL (the default), in which case all slots are synchronized. An application must call this method whenever a slot change occurs outside of LISA's control.

Engine-Related Operators

These operators provide an interface to instances of the inference engine itself.
(inference-engine) Function
Evaluates to the currently active instance of the inference engine.
(reset) Function
Re-initializes the knowledge base, removing facts, clearing all context agendas, and asserting the initial-fact.
(clear) Function
Re-initializes the LISA environment, mostly by creating a new instance of the default inference engine.
(run &optional focus-list) Function
Runs the inference engine, optionally pushing the context names on focus-list onto the focus stack before doing so. Execution will continue until either all agendas are exhausted or a rule calls (halt).
(walk &optional step) Function
Runs the engine in step increments, single-stepping by default. Here, "single-stepping" means "one rule at a time".
(halt) Function
Halts the inference engine, even if the agendas still have activations. Typically used only on rule RHSs.

Environment-Related Operators

These operators are used to manipulate and inspect the LISA environment.
(with-inference-engine (engine) forms*) Macro
Evaluates forms within the context of the inference engine engine. Under most circumstances, use this macro in a multi-processing environment to safely load a knowledge base into engine.
(make-inference-engine) Function
Creates an instance of LISA's default inference engine.
(rule) Function
Within the context of an executing rule, returns the CLOS object representing that rule.
(consider-taxonomy) Function
Returns the current setting for taxonomic reasoning. Use (setf (consider-taxonomy) value) to change the setting. The default (NIL) means LISA ignores class taxonomy during pattern matching.
(allow-duplicate-facts) Function
Returns the current setting for duplicate fact checking. Use (setf (allow-duplicate-facts) value) to change the setting. By default, LISA allows duplicate facts to be asserted. If checking is enabled and an application attempts to assert a duplicate fact, LISA signals a DUPLICATE-FACT error.
(use-fancy-assert) Function
Returns the current setting for fancy assertions. If enabled (the default), the #? reader macro is installed in the global readtable.

Debugging-Related Operators

These operators are typically used interactively to inspect the state of an inference engine. Some of these operators are only loosly defined and need further work.

(facts) Function
Prints on trace output the contents of the active inference engine's fact base.
(rules &optional context-name) Function
Prints on trace output the contents of the active inference engine's rule base. By default, all rules and all contexts will be printed. If context-name is provided, then only those rules in that context are printed.
(agenda &optional context-name) Function
Prints on trace output the contents of the active inference engine's agenda. By default, the agendas for all contexts will be printed, unless context-name is supplied.
(watch event) Function

Asks LISA to report the occurrence of event to trace output.

Currently, LISA allows monitoring of these events:

Triggers an event each time a fact is asserted or retracted.
Triggers an event each time a rule is added to or removed from the agenda.
Triggers an event each time a rule is fired.
Watch all allowable events.
(unwatch event) Function
Disables the monitoring of event. See the documentation for watch to see the allowable event types.
(watching) Function
Displays the list of events currently being monitored.

II. The Environment

For application developers, LISA makes available two different types of environments. Package LISA-USER contains all of LISA's exported symbols, plus those of COMMON-LISP. User-level work can safely be done in this package. Alternatively, package LISA-LISP can be used with DEFPACKAGE forms to import a LISA environment into user-defined packages:

(defpackage "FRODO"
  (:use "LISA-LISP"))

As with LISA-USER, LISA-LISP exports all external symbols in the LISA and COMMON-LISP packages. See the various examples provided in "lisa:misc;".

There are a few aspects of LISA that may be customised prior to building. The file "lisa:src;config;config.lisp" contains a set of default behaviors; feel free to edit this file to your liking.

III. Contexts

LISA contexts are a way of partitioning a knowledge base into distinct groups of rules. The mechanism is similar to modules in CLIPS and recent versions of Jess, in that individual rule groups can be invoked "procedurally" without resorting to the use of control facts to manipulate firing order. Contexts can also serve as an organizational construct when working with larger knowledge bases. Each context has its own agenda and conflict resolution strategy.

Each inference engine instance created in LISA contains a default context, named "The Initial Context" (or INITIAL-CONTEXT). Unless arrangements are made otherwise, all rules will reside in this context. The DEFCONTEXT macro creates a new context; rules may then be loaded into the new context by supplying the :CONTEXT keyword to DEFRULE. Contexts serve as a form of namespace for rules; thus, it is legal for identically named rules to reside in different contexts. Rules are distinctly identified by qualifying the rule name with the context name; for example, rule wizards.gandalf is a rule named gandalf that resides within the wizards context.

Activations in the Initial Context are always available for firing. Otherwise, activations in other contexts will only fire if those contexts are explicitly given control, via the FOCUS operator. Each inference engine maintains its own focus stack; before a new context is given control, the active context is pushed onto the focus stack. The REFOCUS operator may be used on a rule's RHS (or, perhaps, interactively) to leave the active context and return control to the previous context on the stack. Control automatically returns to the previous context if the active context runs out of activations. When all contexts have exhausted their activations, the inference engine halts.

A rule can be tagged with the auto-focus attribute by supplying the AUTO-FOCUS keyword to DEFRULE. If an auto-focus rule activates, that rule's context is automatically pushed onto the focus stack and given control when the rule completes its firing.

Note carefully that while the rules in a knowledge base may be partitioned, there remains a single working memory per inference engine. At any given time, all facts in a knowledge base are visible to all rules in that knowledge base, regardless of context.

(defcontext context-name &key strategy) Macro
Creates a new context identified by context-name, which must be a string designator. If strategy is non-NIL then it must be an object implementing a suitable conflict resolution strategy.
(undefcontext context-name) Macro
Destroys the context identified by context-name, which must be a string designator. All rules bound to the context are removed from the Rete network, along with their activations, if any.
(focus &rest context-names) Macro
If context-names is non-NIL, it should be a collection of context names that will be added to the focus stack. Contexts are pushed onto the focus stack in right-to-left order. If no names are specified, then FOCUS returns the active context object.
(refocus) Macro
Activates the next available context.
(focus-stack) Macro
Returns the inference engine's focus stack.
(contexts) Macro
Returns a list of all the inference engine's defined contexts.
(with-context (context &body body) Macro
Evaluates the forms contained in body within the context context.

IV. Dynamic Rule Definition

In addition to statically declared rules, LISA supports the definition of rules at runtime. That is, it is possible to create new rules from the RHSs of existing rules as they fire. These dynamically defined rules become immediately available to the inference engine for potential activation. As a simple example, consider the following rule:
(defrule rocky ()   (rocky (name ?name))   =>   (defrule boris ()     (boris (name ?name))     =>     (format t "Dynamic rule BORIS fired; NAME is ~S~%" ?name)))

When rule ROCKY fires, its RHS creates a dynamically defined rule named BORIS. This new rule is inserted into the inference engine and immediately becomes part of the Rete network. Variables bound on the LHS of ROCKY behave as expected within the context of BORIS; this means that ?NAME in BORIS is bound to the same object as that found in ROCKY*.

Here's a more complicated example:

(defrule rocky ()   (rocky (name ?name))   =>   (let ((dynamic-rule              (defrule (gensym) ()                (boris (name ?name))                =>                (format t "Dynamic rule ~A fired; name is ~S~%" (get-name (rule)) ?name))))     (format t "Rule ROCKY added dynamic rule ~A~%" (get-name dynamic-rule))))

As before, rule ROCKY creates a dynamic rule when fired. However, this time the new rule is given a unique name by evaluating the form (GENSYM); either the name or the instance can then be remembered for use later. These two rules also introduce functions in the LISA API for retrieving both the currently executing rule and its name (RULE and GET-NAME, respectively).

* Actually, this isn't precisely true. Whenever LISA encounters a dynamic rule during parsing it looks at all the rule's variables and substitutes any bound values. Thus, in rule BORIS the variable ?NAME would be replaced by the value of ?NAME as bound in rule ROCKY.

V. Queries

As of LISA version 1.2, a simple query language is supported that allows retrieval of facts from a knowledge base, either interactively via a Lisp listener or programmatically. The query engine leverages the inferencing component by transforming query expressions into rules and inserting them, at runtime, into the Rete network. Each query is assigned a unique identifier and cached upon first appearance; subsequent queries with semantically equivalent bodies will find the cached instance and execute with substantially improved performance, especially for larger knowledge bases. As an example, consider the following two query forms:

  (retrieve (?x ?y)
    (?x (hobbit (name ?name)))
    (?y (ring-bearer (name ?name))))
  (retrieve (?h1 ?h2)
    (?h1 (hobbit (name ?hobbit-name)))
    (?h2 (ring-bearer (name ?hobbit-name))))

The variables appearing in the first argument to RETRIEVE (e.g. '(?x ?y)) are used to establish bindings for each firing of the query; each variable must also appear in the query body as an appropriate pattern binding. Other than this requirement, query bodies are structurally identical to rule bodies; anything that is legal in a rule LHS is legal in a query body. Note that these two examples are semantically equivalent; although the variable names are different, the patterns appear in the same order and the relationships among variables are identical. Thus, firing either query will yield the same set of fact bindings. LISA is able to recognize such similarities in queries and implements a caching scheme that minimizes unnecessary dynamic rule creation.

RETRIEVE returns two values; a list of bindings for each query firing, and the symbolic name assigned by LISA to the query instance. The second value is probably only useful while developing/testing queries; using this symbol one can ask LISA to forget about a query by removing it from the cache and the Rete network. The binding list is the principal value of interest. Since a query is really a rule, it can fire an arbitrary number of times for each invocation. Each firing is represented as a list of CONS cells. The CAR of each cell is one of the variables specified in the query's binding list; its CDR is a fact bound to that variable that satisfies the variable's associated pattern. For example, assuming that the first of the above query examples fires twice during a certain invocation, RETRIEVE would return something like:


As explained previously, the second value is the symbolic name LISA assigned to the query when its rule instance was initially created. Most of the time it will be ignored.

As of release 1.3, LISA incorporates a unified view of template- and CLOS-based facts; as a result queries now function for both types of facts. In the former case, LISA creates a class modeled around the template. Class and slot names are taken directly from the DEFTEMPLATE form; each slot is given a reader method named according to DEFSTRUCT conventions (i.e. class name-slot name). For example,

(deftemplate frodo ()
  (slot companion (default merry)))

Will yield the following class specification:

(defclass frodo (inference-engine-object)
  ((companion :initform 'merry :initarg :companion :reader frodo-companion)))
These functions and macros comprise the current interface to the query engine:

(retrieve (variables*) patterns*) Macro
Initiates a query against the knowledge base. Variable bindings for the query are found in variables; patterns consists of matching forms that comprise the body of the query rule. RETRIEVE returns two values: a list of CONS cells for each firing and the symbolic name LISA assigned to the query when it was initially constructed. The CAR of each CONS cell is one of the binding variables; the CDR is the CLOS instance bound to that variable.
(forget-query name) Function
Instructs LISA to forget about the query identified by the symbol name. Doing so removes the query's rule instance from the Rete network and the query itself from the cache. Useful only during query development, probably.
(with-simple-query ((var value) query-form &body body)) Macro
Evaluates query-form. Then, iterates over the resulting list structure, binding each variable and fact to var and value, respectively, and evaluating body. This macro is useful if one is interested in just the individual variable/fact pairs and doesn't care much about the binding context that occurred during query firing.

VI. Conflict Resolution

Conflict Resolution (CR) is the mechanism LISA employs to determine the order in which multiple activations will fire. Currently, LISA offers two "built-in" strategies; breadth-first and depth-first. It is possible to implement new CR algorithms by creating a class derived from lisa:strategy and implementing a few generic functions; instances of this new strategy can then be given to make-inference-engine.

(add-activation strategy activation) Generic Function
Makes a new activation eligible for firing.
(find-activation strategy rule token) Generic Function
Locates an activation associated with rule and token.
(next-activation strategy) Generic Function
Returns the next eligible activation.
(list-activations strategy) Generic Function
Returns a list of eligible activations.

Documentation for the CR interface is still fairly light. Look for improvements in upcoming releases.

VII. The LISA Debugger

New as of 2.0 alpha 4, the LISA debugger is a simple monitoring and inspection utility that may be used to "debug" production rules. Although one cannot step through a rule pattern by pattern, breakpoints may be set to trigger just before a rule fires. When a breakpoint is reached, one can then interactively examine the token stack, display all pattern bindings and their values, single-step into the next activation, etc.

By default, LISA builds without the debugger loaded to avoid a slight performance drag on rule firings. To use the debugger, in the CL-USER package evaluate the form (require 'lisa-debugger (lisa-debugger)). If you're running Allegro Common Lisp, LISA understands how to hook into the module search list; thus you may instead evaluate (require 'lisa-debugger).

The functionality available via the LISA debugger may increase as user needs dictate; here is the command set as of this writing:

(set-break rule-name) Function
Sets a breakpoint in the rule identified by the symbol rule-name.
(clear-break rule-name) Function
Clears the breakpoint previously set on the rule identified by the symbol rule-name.
(clear-breaks) Function
Removes all breakpoints.
*break-on-subrules* Special variable
Setting this variable to a non-NIL value will cause the debugger to manage breakpoints for a primary rule and all of its subrules (see the section on the or conditional element for an explanation of primary rules).
(next) Function
Fires the currently suspended rule, then single-steps into the next activation, if there is one. If there isn't one, the debugger exits.
(resume) Function
Resumes normal execution, until the next breakpoint is reached.
(tokens &key (verbose nil)) Function
 Displays the token stack, which contains the facts that activated this particular rule. If verbose is non-nil, then the fact instances themselves are printed; otherwise, a shorthand notation is used.
(bindings) Function
Displays the bindings (pattern variables) found on the rule's LHS, along with their values.
(fact fact-id) Function
Returns the fact instance associated with fact-id, a small integer assigned to each fact by the inference engine.
(breakpoints) Function
Displays all breakpoints.
(rule) Function
Returns the rule instance representing the suspended activation.

VIII. Getting Started

LISA requires the Portable Defsystem as maintained by the CLOCC project; for your convenience, a copy is included in the distribution. Building LISA should be straight-forward. First, either load "lisa:lisa.system" or change your working directory to the LISA root directory; then, evaluate (mk:compile-system :lisa). Note that LISA uses logical pathnames in its defsystem, and translations that are suitable for a Linux (or Cygwin/Windows) environment are established there. They might work for you; perhaps not. Until I figure out how to correctly place default translations you might have to do some hand editing. Sorry.

To build a knowledge base, write your production rules using the various source examples (and this document) as your guide and load the file(s) into Lisp. You can then change to the LISA-USER package and experiment. Look for the examples in "lisa:misc;".

A note to CLISP users. LISA requires that CLISP be run with full ANSI support enabled. Also, the baseline version with which LISA has been tested is 2.25.1. Earlier releases might work as well, but no guarantees.

IX. Things Yet to Do.

This section is a list (albeit incomplete) of features that would improve LISA significantly.

  1. Backward chaining: Perhaps an implementation of Prolog's backchaining algorithm that has concurrent access to working memory (i.e. along with Rete).

X. Supported Platforms.

LISA has been tested, and is known to run, on the following Common Lisp implementations:

  • Allegro Common Lisp, versions 5.0.1 and 6.x, Linux and Windows 2000.
  • Xanalys LispWorks, versions 4.1.20 and 4.2, Linux and Windows 2000.
  • CLISP, version 2.27 and newer, Linux and Windows 2000.
  • CMUCL, version 18c, Linux.


Tested with SBCL 2.2.9.debian with the folder lisa copied into ~/quicklisp/local-projects. Unfortunately there is a package-lock that inhibits smooth loading. That is why the package cl-package-locks is helpful

(ql::quickload :cl-package-locks)
(cl-package-locks::unlock-package :common-lisp)
(ql::quickload :lisa)  ;;; unlock 2
(cl-package-locks::lock-package :common-lisp)

;;; (cl-package-locks::all-locked-packages)
;;; (cl-package-locks::all-unlocked-packages)

(in-package "LISA-USER")

(deftemplate expr () (slot str))

(defrule r1 () (expr (str ?s)) => (print ?S))

(assert (expr (str "A + B + 2 * C - D")))
(assert (expr (str '("A + B + 2 * C - D" "X + Y" "2 * Z + X"))))


--> should yield:

#<EXPR ; id 0 {100443A323}>
#<EXPR ; id 1 {10017A10E3}>
For a total of 2 facts.
#<ACTIVATION (INITIAL-CONTEXT.R1 (F-0) ; salience = 0) {1001740173}>
#<ACTIVATION (INITIAL-CONTEXT.R1 (F-0) ; salience = 0) {1001740173}>
For a total of 2 activations.

"A + B + 2 * C - D"
("A + B + 2 * C - D" "X + Y" "2 * Z + X")

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Lisa is a production rule system for Common Lisp, whose purpose is to provide a foundation for the development of "intelligent" applications. Lisa employs a modern CLOS implementation of Rete and is based on CLIPS and Jess.








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