An e-book reader, supporting txt, epub, written in swift, has a variety of commonly used features, including automatic extraction of chapters, page turning mode switching, changing the background, font size, chapter jump, etc.
DUAReader now fully supports Objective-C, and the Objective-C compatible version will be maintained separately in the fitOC branch
- 克隆代码到本地
git clone https://github.com/nothot/DUAReader.git
- 切换到fitOC分支
git checkout -b fitOC origin/fitOC
// txt示例
mreader = DUAReader()
let configuration = DUAConfiguration.init()
configuration.backgroundImage = UIImage.init(named: "backImg.jpg")
mreader.config = configuration
mreader.delegate = self
self.present(mreader, animated: true, completion: nil)
let bookPath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "郭黄之恋", ofType: "txt")
mreader.readWith(filePath: bookPath!, pageIndex: 1)
// epub示例
mreader = DUAReader()
let configuration = DUAConfiguration.init()
configuration.backgroundImage = UIImage.init(named: "backImg.jpg")
configuration.bookType = .epub // 默认TXT类型
mreader.config = configuration
mreader.delegate = self
self.present(mreader, animated: true, completion: nil)
let epubPath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "每天懂一点好玩心理学", ofType: "epub")
mreader.readWith(filePath: epubPath!, pageIndex: 1)
See demo for more details
说明 项目中引入了三个第三方framework是由objective-C编写,项目本身为swift编写