m # m mm mmm mm#mm mmm mmm mmm # mm #" # #" "# # #" # # " # " #" # # # # # # #"""" """m """m # # # # "#m#" "mm "#mm" "mmm" # "mmm" # #
Super-simple small bash (shell) script with zero dependencies, which manages notes with ease and grace of a terminal.
Create a dated text file at a specific location and append text to it. It's that simple!
Works literally on every Linux-like system. And probably should work on MacOS. If not, please open an issue.
Some features, such as: custom note creation template or dynamic folder resolution rely on git installed and on a .git folder inside of this repo.
Using curl:
curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/novusnota/notes.sh/master/notes.sh
Or grab it from the latest Release
There are at least two ways:
- Just place it somewhere and add an alias
alias note='path/to/somewhere/with/notes.sh'
- Create a symbolic link somewhere on your PATH.
# If you have a ~/.local/bin on your PATH
ln -s /path/to/somewhere/with/notes.sh ~/.local/bin/note
# Preferred way, would work on pretty much every Linux
sudo ln -s /path/to/somewhere/with/notes.sh /usr/local/sbin/note
# MacOS way:
## don't know much, but the principle is the same:
## get to know your PATH and create a link to notes.sh
## somewhere in that folders
## To print out PATH use:
echo $PATH | tr : '\n'
Append that text to the today's file:
note something you want to write down
Append your clipboard to the file:
# If you use xsel
xsel -bo | note
# If you use xclip
xclip -o | note
# If you use pbpaste (MacOS)
pbpaste | note
Open the file in your editor:
Append rather big text to the file:
# using cat <<EOF trick,
# don't forget to add
# on the last line to stop
cat <<EOF | note
# or using backslash escapes - \
note \
blah blah \
more blah blah \
the end. bye-bye\!
# note (xD), that tabs are not required.
# also keep in mind, that Bash handles args before they get into the script
# and some characters like !@`#\ should be escaped, and some '" should match their pairs.
# to escape a character, append a backwards slash before it like so:
# \!
Either way command creates a file called DD.md in the $C_NOTES_DIR/YYYY/MM. If the file exists, notes.sh will append to it.
Destination folder, filename and other things can be changed using a configuration file, see Customization below.
Set the variables of config.sh to your liking.
For your ease of use, there is already an config.example.sh β just rename it to config.sh and you're good to go!
C_NOTES_DIR (/path/to/notes/directory) β Top-level directory for all the notes
C_NOTES_EDITOR (nvim, nano, sublime, whatever) β Use an editor to change today's note file manually
C_NOTES_DELIMITER (\n---\n, for example) Delimiter between the separated notes inside today's note file
C_NOTES_Y_SUBDIR (true/false) β Create a %Year% subfolder for the notes?
C_NOTES_M_SUBDIR (true/false) β Create a %Month% subfolder for the notes?
C_NOTES_FORMAT (txt, md, whatever) β File extension (what goes after the . (dot) in the filenames)
C_NOTES_TEMPLATE (/path/to/file) β A template for the new notes
Based on: https://github.com/nickjj/notes
GNU General Public License v3.0 only.