SyncX is a GO library that extends standard sync package.
$ go get -u
AWG - advanced version of wait group
Added features:
- thread safe
- integrated context.Context
- execution timeout
- ability to return errors
- panic handling from goroutines
wg := awg.AdvancedWaitGroup{}
// Add first task
wg.Add(func() error {
return nil
// Add second task
wg.Add(func() error {
//Another Logic
return nil
var err error
// Taking one error make sense if you use *.SetStopOnError(true)* option - see below
err = wg.SetStopOnError(true).Start().GetLastError()
// Taking all errors
var errs []error
errs = wg.Start().GetAllErrors()
Integrated with context.Context. It gives you ability to set timeouts and register cancel functions
// SetTimeout defines timeout for all tasks
SetTimeout(t time.Duration)
// SetContext defines Context
SetContext(t context.Context)
// SetStopOnError stops waitgroup if any task returns error
SetStopOnError(b bool)
// Add adds new tasks into waitgroup
Add(funcs ...WaitgroupFunc)
// // Start runs tasks in separate goroutines and waits for their completion
// Reset performs cleanup task queue and reset state
// // LastError returns last error that caught by execution process
// AllErrors returns all errors that caught by execution process
// Status returns result state
// NewSemaphore returns new Semaphore instance
//Acquire acquires one permit, if its not available the goroutine will block till its available or Context.Done() occurs.
//You can pass context.WithTimeout() to support timeoutable acquire.
Acquire(ctx context.Context)
//AcquireMany is similar to Acquire() but for many permits
//Returns successfully acquired permits.
AcquireMany(ctx context.Context, n int) (int, error)
//Release releases one permit
//ReleaseMany releases many permits
ReleaseMany(n int) error
//AvailablePermits returns number of available unacquired permits
AvailablePermits() int
//DrainPermits acquires all available permits and return the number of permits acquired
DrainPermits() (int, error)
- Fork it.
- Open a Pull Request
- Enjoy a refreshing Diet Coke and wait
SyncX is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE