Play many esp. first person Unreal Engine games in VR!
Replacing the old UEVR Injector with a much more user friendly, easy to use and automated app.
It auto-scans you Steam/EPIC/GOG installed games and replaces tools like launcher, UEVRInjector, OpenXR switchers.
Most profile websites are outdated, profiles floating in Discord discussions, hard to discover. UEVR Easy Injector contains a web database for easy discovery and installation, plus adds authors information on how to use the profiles.
It also adds voice commands and global hotkeys to improve the VR experience.
It uses PrayDogs UEVR engine but does not need an UEVR installation.
Simply download the setup program from the release section.
Some virus scanner mark the UEVR engine as a false positive, because it (suspiciously) injects itself into other game apps.
Please add an exception for UEVR in your antivirus software if necessary.
Do not run the classical UEVR injector in parallel (side by side install is no problem, just not start them).
Please only submit tested profiles, not work in progress.
In the "Edit profile" screen is a "Publish" button. It cleans you profile from temp files like logs and dumps and packs it up in a ZIP,
with some standardized variables.
On first submit it will generate two files in the profiles folder (if not existing already).
Add descriptive data in these files (see below).
Then publish again, and post the resulting ZIP file on this Discord channel
Open with a text editor and fill in especially your authors name, a SHORT remark.
Here you can add more information for the user, like required mods, restrictions etc. The attention span these days is short. Simple bullet points, keep it short. The format is MarkDown. There are a of online editors, like Dillinger
The backend database lives on Azure and is privately paid for by myself.
- Do not make any code changes that would result in more calls or loads to the backend
- Do not use the backend database from other apps
- Do NOT start Visual Studio as Admin, as this will crash the debugger when accessing system functions
While this is free to use for non-commercial users, the project is copyrighted and may not be used commercially.