Covid 19 Telegram Bot is a simple project to get latest updates about Covid 19.
This project inspired by COVID-19-Telegram-bot made by Kasra Madadipouya and uses data from COVID-19 API by Odi.
- Golang 1.12.17 or newer with Go Module Support
Create new bot on telegram using @BotFather and copy your token (reference :
Setup ngrok from
./ngrok http 3000
git clone
Copy example.config.toml
to .config.toml
cp example.config.toml .config.toml
Fill in your Telegram bot token and Location IQ token
port = "3000"
mathdroid_url = ""
locationiq_token = "YOUR_LOCATIONIQ_TOKEN"
go run main.go
curl -F "url=https://YOUR_URL"<YOUR_TELEGRAM_BOT>/setWebhook
note : When you restart the program, you must hit this url again
Let's make pull request and you will help people around the world.