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1.Name of the Project --> Hackerrank Automation 2.Purpose --> This tool can be used to add moderators in the hackerrank contests --> The real purpose of the project is to learn Web Automation 3.Reason --> A very good reason for me to make this project is I enjoyed while making it , It was a great learning experience for me. 4.Programming Language --> JavaSript 5.The dependencies used by me while making this project are :- 1.minimist //we are using minimist to read the arguments from cli 2.puppeteer // for web automation 3.fs -> this library is pre installed in node 6.Activity --> The tasks performed while making the project are --> 1.Open the browser 2.Get a tab 3.Go to the url 4.Click on the login on first page of Hackerrank. 5.Click on the login on second page of Hackerrank. 6.Type the Username on third page 7.Type the Password on third page 8.Click on the login on third page of Hackerrank. 9.Click on compete after successful logging in 10. select problem solving session 11. start solving coding problems 12. after succesful submission of code move to next problem .Screenshot (1547) Screenshot (1548) Screenshot (1549) Screenshot (1550) Screenshot (1551) Screenshot (1552)


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