OpenPlotter app to manage OpenCPN and plugins installation.
Install openplotter-settings for production and just install this app from OpenPlotter Apps tab.
Install openplotter-settings for development.
Install openplotter-opencpn-installer dependencies:
sudo apt install openplotter-settings flatpak libusb-0.1-4
Clone the repository:
git clone
Make your changes and create the package:
cd openplotter-opencpn-installer
dpkg-buildpackage -b
Install the package:
cd ..
sudo dpkg -i openplotter-opencpn-installer_x.x.x-xxx_all.deb
Run post-installation script:
sudo opencpnPostInstall
Make your changes and repeat package and installation steps to test. Pull request your changes to github and we will check and add them to the next version of the [Debian package]((