OptFrame 5.1.0
is released.
For optframe python version, see github.com/optframe/pyoptframe-dev
Project uses semantic versioning, so to patch it, run: bumpver update --patch
Now, with newest C++20 features and integrated Unit Testing for user projects and examples (still ongoing work). Scanner++ library is also dettached independent project now.
Remember to clone this repo using --recursive
option, so you don't miss anything ;)
Major changes happened from v3 to v4, so we will need to update our tutorials...
Official Documentation on ReadTheDocs
Try the Demos on ReadTheDocs Quickstart
- 00_SimpleBuild: 00_SimpleBuild -
- 01_QuickstartWelcome: 01_QuickstartWelcome -
- 02_QuickstartKP_SA: 02_QuickstartKP_SA -
- 03_QuickstartTSP_VNS_BRKGA: 03_QuickstartTSP_VNS_BRKGA -
- 05_Advanced_TSP_checkmodule: 05_Advanced_TSP_checkmodule -
Also we provide a C library for Windows, Linux and Mac:
- OptFrameLib: OptFrameLib -
Note that OptFrame website may have obsolete documentation and examples:
Check https://optframe.github.io/docs/quick-start-guide/
- support global library for multiple languages
- fix multiple inheritance (DONE!)
- rename src/ to include/ and follow C++ package standards (DONE!)
- no 'using namespace std'
- change to more compact and consistent formatting style (using cpplint tool)
Project is organized in three main folders: src
, libs
, tests
and bin
- On
are code and testing for OptFrame framework itself. - On
you can find code and tests for the provided Examples. - On
you can find code and tests for your own codes. - On
, you can find classicoptframe-mct.sh
script, that will generate a new projectX
folder (and tests onMyProjects/X/tests
). - On
you can find third-party libraries (including testing and benchmarking, as they are used widely on examples and subprojects) Tests are provided viacatch2
, benchmaking via benchmark library, and alsoscannerpplib
(Scanner++ library) for stream/file processing.
OptFrame Functional Core (FCore) is also provided (strict c++20
- On
are code and testing forFCore
framework itself.
The following requirements apply for projects (and subprojects):
- OptFrame
- tested ongcc-7
(without flags-fconcepts
- FCore -
- tested ongcc-10.1
with flags-fcoroutines
- Scanner++ -
- tested ongcc-7
To install gcc-10.1, see these Instructions.
To learn more about bazel build, versioning and general development requirements, see DEVEL.md.
IMPORTANT: Run make check
for full check (need Bazel Build).
To learn a little bit of Optimization Concepts and C++ Concepts behind this project, see OPTCONCEPTS.md
Please take a deep look at Examples
folder, and build them by simply typing make
Each example is connected to some previous literature work, and can demonstrate how each metaheuristic work on practice.
We know some detailed tutorial is still missing, but we hope to provide more info as soon as possible. Feel free to open issues and new discussions on GitHub ;)
Each example is itself an independent workspace.
For this reason, each example has a reference to @OptFrame
(as local_repository
while optframe root itself has a self reference for @OptFrame
(as local_repository
This allows building all examples from root, with bazel build ...
or bazel build //Examples/...
One can also jump into each independent example and build it locally.
See available examples on bazel: bazel query //Examples/...
Here are some examples and build advices for bazel.
From root:
bazel build @FCore-Examples//...
bazel run @FCore-Examples//src:app_TSPfcore
Binary will be located at ./bazel-bin/external/FCore-Examples/src/app_TSPfcore
From example (cd Examples/FCore-Examples/
bazel clean
bazel build ...
bazel run //src:app_TSPfcore
Binary will be located at ./Examples/FCore-Examples/bazel-bin/src/app_TSPfcore
From root:
bazel build @EternityII//...
cd ./bazel-bin/external/EternityII/app_Example.runfiles/EternityII/
Binary and data will be located at ./bazel-bin/external/EternityII/app_Example.runfiles/EternityII/
From example (cd Examples/EternityII/
bazel clean
bazel build ...
bazel run //:app_Example
Binary and data will be located at ./Examples/EternityII/bazel-bin/app_Example.runfiles/__main__/
Getting submodules: git submodule update --init --recursive
and git pull --recurse-submodules
Just type cd ./bin && ./mct.sh
(or make mct
) and follow the instructions on screen.
You can find your new project on src/MyProjects/
(and tests on tests/MyProjects/
For a brief history of OptFrame v1, v2, v3, v4 and v5 (current), see HISTORY.md.
Interesting examples are available (see Examples
- EternityII: Eternity II Puzzle -
- HFM: HFM forecast framework by @vncoelho -
- HFMVRP: Heterogeneous Fleet Vehicle Routing Problem -
- KP: Knapsack Problem (v1) -
- KP2: Knapsack Problem (v2)
- MITSP: Multi Improvement Dynamic Programming for Traveling Salesman Problem -
- MODM: Multi Objective Direct Marketing Problem -
- OPM: Open Pit Mining Operational Planning Problem
- OptHS: OptHouse Cleaning Scheduling -
- PMedCap: Capacitated P-Median Problem -
- PN: Number Partition Problem -
- SVRPDSP: Single Vehicle Routing Problem with Deliveries and Selective Pickups
- TSP: Traveling Salesman Problem (v1) -
- TSP2: Traveling Salesman Problem (v2)
To build examples, just type make
on Examples
The following examples are currently prioritary, due to heavy burden for maintaining all of them:
- pmedcap
- kp
- tsp
- hfvrpmt
- mitsp
- etii
- opths
- gfp (?)
- hfm
- modm
For more information on the others, please file an Issue.
These examples explore several (meta)-heuristic implementations, such as:
- Simulated Annealing
- Genetic Algorithm
- Memetic Algorithm
- Variable Neighborhood Search
- Iterated Local Search
- Tabu Search
- ...
Multi-Objective metaheuristics:
- ...
OptFrame is organized in several C++ headers.
To install it system-wide (in linux), just type make install
will be necessary here):
- headers will be put on
- examples, src and tests will be put on
We recommend to run make test-install
after that, to ensure everything is fine!
We recommend the following settings for vscode (.vscode/settings.json
"[cpp]": {
"editor.tabSize": 3,
"editor.detectIndentation": false
"C_Cpp.intelliSenseEngine": "Tag Parser",
"C_Cpp.clang_format_fallbackStyle": "{ BasedOnStyle : Google , ColumnLimit : 0, IndentWidth: 2, AccessModifierOffset: -1}",
"testMate.cpp.test.executables": "{tests,build,Build,BUILD,out,Out,OUT}/**/*{test,Test,TEST}*"
We recommend Microsoft C/C++
and C++ TestMate
Cite this in your paper as:
Coelho, I.M., Ribas, S., Perché, M.H.P., Munhoz, P., Souza, M.J.F., Ochi, L.S. (2010). OptFrame: a computational framework for combinatorial optimization problems. In Anais do XLII Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional (SBPO). Bento Gonçalves-RS, pp 1887-1898.
author = {Igor Coelho and Sabir Ribas and Mário Henrique de Paiva Perché and Pablo Munhoz and Marcone Souza and Luiz Ochi},
year = {2010},
month = {08},
pages = {1887-1898},
title = {OptFrame: a computational framework for combinatorial optimization problems},
journal = "Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional"
author = {Coelho, Igor M. and N. Coelho, Vitor and Zudio, Anderson and Araújo, Rodolfo and Haddad, Matheus N. and Munhoz, Pablo Luiz A. and Maia, Breno S. M. and Ochi, Luiz Satoru and Souza, Marcone Jamilson F.},
year = {2020},
title = {Microbenchmark Studies in OptFrame: a 10-Year Anniversary},
journal = "Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional"
<= 4.1
: LICENSE GNU Lesser General Public License v3 (LGPLv3+) -
>= 4.2
: Dual License: MIT License OR LGPLv3+
Please use the following SPDX identifier:
SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR LGPL-3.0-or-later
OptFrame maintainers @igormcoelho and @vncoelho
Copyright (C) 2007-2023
The OptFrame team