Clone all the forks of a repository, or all the repos of a GitHub Classroom assignment.
This is useful for collecting and reviewing assignments and student projects.
- Written in Golang for easier distribution. (I got tired juggling of juggling Anaconda / virtualenv between various classroom and tool environments.)
- Automatic repo discovery. Knows about “students fork” and “GitHub Classroom” conventions.
- Repos are cloned in parallel.
- Create a myrepos
multiclone is written in Go with support for multiple platforms. The latest release can be found at the releases page.
Homebrew can be used to install multiclone on macOS:
$ brew tap osteele/homebrew-tap
$ brew install multiclone
Create a GitHub personal access token for the command line
to this value: export GITHUB_TOKEN=…
multiclone owner/repo
Clone forks of owner/repo into the current directory.
multiclone repos.txt
Clones the repo
is a file with one repo name-with-owner, e.g. osteele/homework1
, per line.
multiclone --classroom
multiclone org/repo --classroom
Clone org's repos named repo-* into the current directory.
This is intended for use with repos created via GitHub Classroom.
multiclone --dir path/to/dir owner/repo
Clone into subdirectories of path/to/dir
, instead of the current directory.
multiclone owner/repo --dry-run
See the git
commands that would be run, without actually running them.
multiclone --help
Lists additional options.
- Install go (1) via Homebrew:
brew install go
; or (2) download. go install
These GitHub Education Community forum threads discuss a variety of alternatives (including one I wrote before I wrote this):
myrepos automates parallel management of a set of repos. It doesn't create the initial repo set, which is that this tool does.