If you enjoy philosophy, logic, history, or assorted other “intellectual” topics, the
organization focuses on several projects that may interest you…
The goal of the
project is to organize, compile, index, and juxtapose shorter nonfiction writings by B.F. Griffith (as well as other participating authors) into specific areas of interest…
- This is an ongoing effort to construct a more coherent overview of B.F. Griffith’s perspectives&arguments, his insatiable continuous learning efforts, the various explorations&approaches to particular topics that he advocates (or which he avers are at least “important for more people to be critically aware of”), the relevant agreements&disagreements among various significant ideas people have had about these topics (whether historical or current), and the pushbacks or evolving thoughts that various other thinkers in dialogues or debates regarding these topics have advanced or defended.
- The purpose of these writings is not to provide anywhere near a “complete” or “comprehensive” exploration of any issue, but to provide enticement to delve deeper into any or all of the subjects they contemplate.
- Along the way, this project prioritizes providing links to multifarious related writings focused on similar (or otherwise pertinent) topics, and many of these shorter publications also contain bibliographic citations which may include a plethora of reading, listening, or watching suggestions that range from “fun&accessible” to densely academic.
One note to keep in mind regarding this project: B.F. Griffith has long argued for an epistemic “unity” wherein excessively strictly distinct barriers between formally academically defined fields of study should often be eschewed as unhelpful artifacts of unnecessarily partitioned thought. The rigorous pursuit of wisdom&reason+evidence in one area of study often naturally flows into, or can greatly affect, others. Consequently, you’ll see plenty of healthy crossover among various topics as each of the shorter from writings of this project unfold, such that your thinking about some topics may shift after considering their contingent relationships with others.
is a web‑application for cataloging&categorizing profound or interesting aphorisms or other concise quotable or historically significant phrases…
“A good aphorism is too hard for the tooth of time and is not consumed by all millennia, although it serves every time for nourishment: this it is the great paradox of literature, the intransitory amid the changing, the food that always remains esteemed, like salt, and never loses its savor…”
- Nietzsche’s 💬 Vermischte Meinungen und Sprüche # 168
is a web-application for aspiring poets that streamlines composing, editing, annotating, storing, and sharing all sorts of verse-as well as providing dynamic templating, modeling, and tutorial functionalities that conveniently aid writers in conforming to various traditional poetical forms, metrical prosody structures, or rhyme-schemes…

If you find the
project to be sufficiently valuable/useful to you that you’d be willing to help fund it at whatever level (if any) that you think it’s worth (and can comfortably afford to spare), this is definitely the easiest, least onerous, and most direct way to do so…

🎁 However, that site can also conveniently point you toward up to date links where you could alternatively (or additionally) purchase various fun or amusing assorted “nerdy” physical products, in which case buying any of that “merch” is another much appreciated way to more indirectly support this project while also buying something tangible&enjoyable in return at a good value (even irrespective of all the freely available content that this project will always continue to publish as accessibly as possible with no paywalls)!