Is full stack exercise for General Assembly SEI (Español 🇪🇸 ) students.
Is an application that provide 7 days weather forecast for a given location
The structure of this repo is following principles of monorepo
It is divided in two main packages
- Server: A simple Express server that receive
request to/forecast?city=Madrid
would return a JSON payload with a weekly forecast of a given location. - Client A simple React application that render 7 days weather forecast for a given location
- Clone this repo
git clone
- Navigate to the folder
cd weather-forecast-monorepo
- Install dependencies
Please run the following commands in different console tabs
- To run the API server, type:
yarn workspace server start
- To run the React server, type:
yarn workspace client start
Login into heroku
heroku login
If you are not tet created an herku folder for this app, run the following, otherwise step this
heroku create --region=eu
git push heroku master
Once is deployed and functional take the URL of the app and added as a value of the
# ./client/.env.production
Create a react production build
yarn workspace client build
Deploy to Netlify
netlify deploy