This repository contains my personal configurations for various tools and utilities aimed at enhancing the i3 window manager experience. The setup includes configurations for:
- i3-gaps: A fork of the i3 window manager with additional features, such as gaps between windows.
- picom: A lightweight compositor for X11, providing various visual effects and transparency.
- nvim: Configuration for Neovim, a powerful text editor, tailored for efficient coding and editing.
- i3status: A status bar for i3, displaying system information like CPU usage, memory, and network status.
- alacritty: A fast, GPU-accelerated terminal emulator.
- tmux: Terminal multiplexer for managing multiple terminal sessions within a single window.
- Highly customizable and minimalistic setup
- Improved productivity with streamlined workflows
- Visual enhancements for a more pleasing and efficient user experience
- Clone the repository:
git clone