A custom interface extension for Directus that allows you to create dynamic forms based on JSON field templates.
- Dynamic form generation from JSON templates
- Support for M2O (Many-to-One) relationships
- Real-time form updates
- Support for various field types:
- Text inputs
- Numbers (integer/decimal)
- DateTime/Date fields
- Dropdown
- Boolean
- Presentation (Info, Warning, Error)
- When saving the item using the "Save and stay" button, the form is not updated with the new values, even though the item is updated.
- Others?
Navigate to your Directus extensions folder:
cd /path/to/directus/extensions
Clone or copy this extension into a json-forms directory
Install dependencies:
cd json-forms npm install
Build the extension:
npm run build
In your Directus collection, create a JSON field to store the form data
Create a related collection to store your form templates with a JSON field containing the field definitions
Configure the interface:
- Select the JSON Forms interface for your JSON field
- Configure the relationship to your templates collection
- Specify the JSON field in your templates collection that contains the field definitions
Field templates should be defined as an array of objects. Example structure:
{ "field": "fieldName", "meta": { "interface": "input", "type": "string", "options": { "placeholder": "Enter value..." } } }
Here's a complete example of an office inspection form template:
"field": "inspector_notes",
"name": "Inspector Notes",
"meta": {
"interface": "input-multiline",
"type": "text",
"width": "full",
"options": {
"placeholder": "Enter general inspection notes...",
"font": "sans-serif"
"field": "inspection_date",
"name": "Inspection Date & Time",
"meta": {
"interface": "datetime",
"type": "timestamp",
"width": "half",
"options": {
"includeSeconds": false,
"mode": "datetime",
"use24": true
"field": "next_inspection",
"name": "Next Inspection Due",
"meta": {
"interface": "datetime",
"type": "date",
"width": "half",
"options": {
"mode": "date"
"field": "room_temperature",
"name": "Room Temperature (°C)",
"meta": {
"interface": "input",
"type": "decimal",
"width": "half",
"options": {
"min": 15,
"max": 30,
"step": 0.1,
"placeholder": "Enter temperature"
"field": "occupancy_count",
"name": "Current Occupancy",
"meta": {
"interface": "input",
"type": "integer",
"width": "half",
"options": {
"min": 0,
"max": 500,
"step": 1,
"placeholder": "Number of occupants"
"field": "safety_notice",
"meta": {
"interface": "presentation-notice",
"width": "full",
"options": {
"text": "Please ensure all fire exits are unobstructed",
"type": "warning"
"field": "fire_exits_clear",
"name": "Fire Exits Clear",
"meta": {
"interface": "boolean",
"width": "half",
"options": {
"label": "Are all fire exits clear of obstruction?"
"field": "emergency_lights",
"name": "Emergency Lights",
"meta": {
"interface": "boolean",
"width": "half",
"options": {
"label": "Are emergency lights functional?"
"field": "risk_level",
"name": "Risk Assessment",
"meta": {
"interface": "select-dropdown",
"width": "half",
"options": {
"choices": [
"text": "Low Risk",
"value": "low"
"text": "Medium Risk",
"value": "medium"
"text": "High Risk",
"value": "high"
This example includes:
- Multiline text input for inspector notes
- DateTime field for inspection timestamp
- Date field for next inspection
- Decimal input for temperature readings
- Integer input for occupancy count
- Warning notice about fire safety
- Boolean toggles for safety checks
- Dropdown select for risk assessment
- Input (interface: "input")
- String
- Integer
- Decimal
- Multiline (interface: "input-multiline")
- Boolean (interface: "boolean")
- Select Dropdown (interface: "select-dropdown")
- Single select with custom choices
- DateTime (interface: "datetime")
- Date
- Time
- DateTime
- Presentation (interface: "presentation-notice")
- Info notices
- Warning notices
- Error notices
- field: Unique identifier for the field
- name: Display name of the field
- meta:
- interface: The field type interface
- type: Data type for the field
- width: Layout width ("half" or "full")
- options: Interface-specific configuration
- value: Current field value
Install dependencies: npm install
Start development server: npm run dev
MIT License