The Cocktail Lang helps you to create speedy and beautiful code easily.
Use git to install Cocktail Lang as a folder. Go to the directory you want to download Regex in, and enter the following command:
git clone
Or use pip to install it as a package. (recommended)
pip install git+
This project is using libraries organized for Python 3.8+ built into the directory Docopt 0.6.2 and Rply 0.7.7 are used. To install original Dependencies, go to the project's directory and enter these commands
rm -rf cocktail/rply cocktail/
pip install -r requirements.txt
This project requires Python 3.8+
The features that are currently implemented are as follows:
- Data types:
- Data operations (not well-implemented yet)
- Most operators from Python:
, etc. - Comments
- Flow control: if, if/else, for-loop, for-of-loop, while-loop
- Constants
- Functions (Beta, currently not callable)
- User input and system output
WARNING: This extension is unstable, read the instructions carefully before installing.
This project is open-source and free-to-use, it would be really helpful to support me! For more information, please see my Patreon.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
To see examples of the Cocktail programs, go to the tests directory.